Page 55 of Justice

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Couldn’t blame them. Before Matty, I’d only answered calls like this when I felt like it.

“You can’t be serious. We aren’t going.” Cal’s voice was like thunder.

“How many times has he come to our rescue?” Dimitri’s finger jabbed at Cal’s chest. “This is the first time he’s ever asked for anything in return, and you’re saying we just ignore him?”

“I’m saying we don’t drag our mates into any more danger.” Cal’s hands were in fists at his sides, like it was taking everything for him not to just lamp Dimitri in the face.

Demons. Honestly. They had the rationality of five-year-olds.

With a sigh, I pulled my gun from my waistband. I tended to have a few weapons on me at all times. While I didn’t usually bother with firearms, the client had explicitly requested this for the senator.

Removing the silencer, I pointed it into the air and fired.

Eerie quiet fell over the club as everyone’s heads twisted in my direction.

“Did you just shoot a hole in my ceiling?” Mori said in disbelief.

“Bill me for it,” I grunted, returning my gun to its holster. “Best way to get your attention over all the yelling. Aren’t you supposed to be family?”

Everyone who’d been yelling immediately looked chagrined. All except Harlow, that was. Little shit thrived on pissing people off.

Bit like me, really. The difference was everyone found it endearing on him.

On me? It invited loathing.

“What are you doing here?” Dimitri said, glowering at me.

I rolled my eyes. Staked the guy once and he still carried a grudge. Holding up my phone, I shook it in his direction. “You messaged the chat, remember?”

“So? We message shit like this all the time and you don’t usually come.”

“I was in the area,” I said, stalking over to the bar and perching on a stool. “Now, someone fill me in. Using indoor voices this time.”

A sea of faces glared at me, but it was Ferry who stepped forward wearily. “I’ve got this.”

I waved my hand mutely, gesturing for him to get on with it. Ferry glowered at me, Leo wearing a similar expression. It was on the tip of my tongue to remind them that they wouldn’t even be here if it hadn’t been for me. If I hadn’t given Leo my dagger that day, neither of them would’ve left that cave.

Apparently one kind gesture didn’t make up for centuries of being a cunt. Who knew?

“Dimitri got a message from Micah asking for help. He’s holed up in the back of beyond somewhere in the Amazon.”

Foreboding unfurled in my stomach. Micah was an exceptionally powerful archangel. He was also the leader of the Seraphim. If he was asking the demons for help, that wasn’t a good sign.

“Apparently, he’s not alone. Nox is with him. They both need help.”

My head tilted quizzically. “Wait, Nox as in the demon?”

Ferry nodded grimly. “He didn’t give any specific details. Just that they’re in grave danger and need as many of us there as possible. As soon as possible.”

What kind of hot water had Micah landed himself in? I turned it over in my mind before my attention turned to Oscar, Bailey, and Lucky. “Didn’t the three of you make a deal with Nox in Hell?”

Lucky’s jaw fell open. “How’d you know that?”

Please. The idea that they had any secrets I wasn’t privy to was hysterical. “I pay attention.”

“That’s my point,” Cal said, looking at Dimitri pointedly. “If Nox was truly in danger, the deal would kick in. Our mates guaranteed our protection while topside.”

“He could be unconscious! Or temporarily dead. He might just not know he’s in danger. Who knows what’s going on? Besides, that shouldn’t matter.” Dimitri tugged at his hair in frustration. Lucky, one of his mates, moved like he was going to intervene, but their other mate, Dagon, held him back with an arm around his waist, whispering something in his ear. “Micah has had our backs time and time again. How can you say no to this?”
