Page 6 of Justice

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Despite his betrayal, I found myself giving an anguished bellow as Laurent fell to his knees. He touched the wound before gazing at his bloodied hands in horror. “Why?”

“You have outlived your usefulness. You cannot honestly believe I would tie myself to a human for eternity?”

Laurent slumped to the floor, unable to hide the heartbreak on his face. Tears rolled down his face as he realised he had been manipulated as easily as I had.

We were fools. Love had made fools of us both.

“Now it is your turn,” Jeremiah did not bother to shift. Bessie leaned against the wall as she waited for Jeremiah to kill me.

Laurent and I were not the only fools in this room.

I waited until Jeremiah was within arm’s reach before launching into action.

I grabbed his hair, yanking his head to the side. I had no plans to drag this out. I needed to dispatch the two of them quickly. I needed to get out of this room. Away from every reminder of how I had failed. How my foolish, foolish heart had cost me everything.

It was a mistake I would never make again.

Jeremiah barely had time to give a gasp of surprise before my fangs tore his throat open. With the venom coating my teeth, there would be no recovery for the alpha.

Laurent’s cry of horror was drowned out by Bessie’s shriek. She shifted, her dagger clattering to the floor.

Her wolf was covered in fur as dark as night. Her lips peeled back to reveal her fearsome fangs.

I smirked at her, flashing my own fangs in return. We both knew whose were more lethal.

It took multiple wolf bites to take down a supernatural as powerful as myself.

But it would take just one bite from me. Bessie was still labouring under the misapprehension that I had drunk the drugged Adamanthea. That I was weakened. Easily beaten.

Her error would prove fatal.

We launched ourselves at one another, the force of our collision sending us sprawling into the dining table. The table at which I had sat with my family less than an hour before. Where we had been laughing. Planning my future with Laurent.

Now they were dead. Because of me. Because of my foolish, naive heart.

Bessie and I grappled, neither of us able to get the upper hand. Then, from the corner of my eye, I spotted two things.

Amelie’s tiny hand on the stone floor, and a shining blade inches away from it.

My fist connected with Bessie’s jaw, making her retreat with a yelp. In one smooth motion, I grabbed the cool handle of the dagger.

When Bessie threw herself at me again, I was ready. The blade sank into her throat as though it were butter.

“I warned you,” I said simply. Then I leaned forward and sank my fangs into her neck.

I held on to her longer than I had Jeremiah, refusing to let her die quickly. The sight of Amelie had solidified the darkness into me. It was everywhere now. It had shaped me anew.

There was no going back now. Not for me.

When she was dead, I yanked her dagger back and stared at the blade. There was vampire blood on it. Which of my family had she used it on?

I rubbed it against my tunic. I would keep this blade with me always. It would be a reminder of what I had lost. What I would never risk again.


A broken cry had me stalking over to where Laurent lay. His wound was fatal. He was hovering mere inches from death. “Seb…save me.”

I could not believe what I was hearing. “What?”
