Page 7 of Justice

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“Save me…” he begged. “Please. Make me your mate. I will learn to love you. I will. Just save me.”

Numbness filled me from head to toe. Had it only been this evening that I had been prepared to give him everything?

“Please. You love me. You love me, so save me.”

My face was expressionless as I spoke my final words to him. “I love nothing and no one. Not anymore. You made certain of that. Love has cost me everything. I will not make the same mistake twice.”

I leaned into that numbness as Laurent’s soul left his body. I refused to let myself feel anything for his passing.

I held on to that feeling as I buried each member of my family. As I wrote to Tobias to inform him of the news before he could depart. As I put a torch to our home and watched it burn.

I did not think I would feel anything ever again.


Chapter 1



There could have been several reasons why I, a notorious vampire assassin, was sitting on a roof on a chilly night in mid-October.

I could be here on a job, stalking my prey at a distance before making my move.

Or maybe I was hunting for information. Perhaps I was gathering intelligence that I could use to my advantage at a later date.

I could even be hiding from a tail…not that anyone was ever good enough to be able to find me. Even Hell’s most infamous tracker couldn’t discover my location unless I wanted him to.

There were many sensible, logical reasons that could have explained why I was perched on a roof in the centre of Southampton.

Fuck, how I wished any of them actually applied. Anything would be more logical than the actual reason I was here.

Across the street, a raucous party was underway. Laughter mixed with poor karaoke as the people inside threw aside their stresses for a night of…fun.

God, it made me shiver just to think of it.

Even worse, the attendees were gathered to celebrate the birthday of a human. A tiny scrap of a man who had somehow managed to snag not one, but two of the most powerful supes ever created. Dagon, one of the sons of Lucifer himself, and Dimitri—an archangel turned demon. Both of them were head over heels for Lucky, the aforementioned human who’d squealed with delight on finding they’d arranged a surprise party for him.

Pathetic behaviour. Almost as pathetic as them throwing him a party in the first place. Although, humans were ridiculously fragile, even when mated to supes. Perhaps celebrating them making it through another year wasn’t as preposterous as I’d thought.

Unsurprisingly, my opinion on humans had taken quite the U-turn since that fateful night long ago.

The front door opened below, making me scramble up from my lounging position. Disappointment coiled in my gut as two figures appeared, neither of them the one I was waiting for.

Mori, the tracker from Hell who was completely oblivious to my presence, strode towards a car. His mate, a water mage called River, was thrown over his shoulder. I eyed him warily. I’d made the mistake of…upsetting him a while back and earning his wrath.

It was something I did often. Upsetting people. Probably why I hadn’t warranted an invitation to the party I was spying on.

Not that it bothered me that I hadn’t been invited. It wasn’t like they were strangers or anything. I knew every supernatural in that house, and a few of the humans too.

None of them liked me, and I had to say, the feeling was mutual.

The opinion of others wasn’t something I particularly cared about. Not anymore. Honestly, I wasn’t normally in one place long enough to make an impression either way.

It made my presence here all the more troubling. Aside from the odd job I’d already had booked in, I hadn’t left Southampton for several months.

For some reason, I couldn’t stay away.
