Page 72 of Justice

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There was a click before cool metal came to rest against my head. Nausea roiled in my stomach again. Oh god. I was mostly naked, my hand was broken, and there was a fudging gun against my head.

“Stop right there, LeClerc. You want your little plaything back? You best do as we say. One slip of my finger and he’ll be gone for good.”

Sebastian froze. For the first time since he’d entered, fear joined the fury in his eyes.

“That’s right, LeClerc,” Isaac said. “I’m making the rules here.”

Sebastian didn’t break eye contact with me as he spoke. “No. You’re playing a game you have no chance of winning. Release Matty. Now.”

Two of the men nearest Sebastian began to draw closer to his unguarded back. I opened my mouth to warn him, but the fingers dug in again. Instead of words, a broken yell came out.

Sebastian took another step forwards. “Let him go. Now.”

The men behind him stepped closer as Isaac chuckled. “No. I don’t think I will. You can have him back when Danny hands himself over. You get what you want, we get what we want. We can all leave happy.”

The corners of Sebastian’s lips lifted, but in no universe would I call it a smile. It was too sinister. A dark promise of pain and punishment. “Oh, Isaac. None of you will be leaving this room. We’ll leave your bodies for the wildlife to enjoy.”

His lips widened further and I drew in a sharp breath. I’d never seen those before.

Sebastian had fangs. Literal, Dracula style fangs. They didn’t look anything like the comical teeth children put in their mouths at Halloween. They were sharp and glistening. Deadly weapons.

Strangely though, they didn’t look wrong on Sebastian. If anything he, looked…complete.

Okay it’s official. I hit my head earlier and died. There’s no way any of this is happening.

Sadly, I didn’t think my imagination was good enough to come up with anything even close to this.

Sebastian’s voice was low. A deadly promise. “Do I need to remind you what happened the last time a wolf clan hurt people who were mine? When they took those I loved from me?”

My eyes widened in horror. Who had Sebastian lost? Was that why he kept everyone at a distance?

No one moved except Sebastian, who took another step closer. It was like everyone was holding their breath, waiting for some unseen signal.

Sebastian was almost within reach. I found myself leaning forwards, only to be yanked back harshly, the gun clanking against the back of my head.

Sebastian cracked his knuckles. “Oh dear. You are just as stupid as the Cameron Clan. I’ll give you this one final chance. Release Matty now, and I’ll kill you cleanly.”

Isaac pushed the gun harder against my head. “You’re outnumbered, LeClerc. Where’s the alpha, anyway? He too chicken-shit to face his fate?”

A big shadow filled the doorway. “Actually, the alpha was taking care of your perimeter guards. You really need to train your pups better.”

I stifled a gasp as the shadow stepped into the room. I hadn’t recognised Danny by his voice alone. There was a rough, guttural quality to it that I’d never noticed before.

For some unknown reason, he was stark-bollock naked. Given I was kneeling on the floor in just a thong, I probably shouldn’t be as thrown as I was.

What was strange was that no one else batted an eyelid at his nudity. Did people just walk around here balls out all the time? Surely that couldn’t be hygienic.

Danny’s eyes narrowed as he spotted me. Like Sebastian, he seemed to catalogue my injuries before spotting the gun. His body began to vibrate, making several people in the room tense up. “Sebastian?”

Sebastian held up a finger, not taking his eyes from me. “Isaac. Danny is here. Let. Matty. Go. Last chance.”

My breathing was the only sound in the room. It was rattling in and out of my chest in short gasps as I tried to hold myself together.

I closed my eyes, thinking of all the people I loved. Leo. Ferry. Riley. Ethan. Lucky. My parents.


My eyes flew open to see Sebastian smiling at me. Not like the smile he’d given Isaac. This one was gentle. Kind. Almost a little sad.
