Page 74 of Justice

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Fuck Danny. He’d be okay for a minute. “Sunshine, you really don’t have to worry about me. I’m just going to kill all of them for hurting you, then I’ll get you home.”

Matty swallowed, his eyes darting furtively at the scrapping wolves. “Not all of them hurt me.”

My nostrils flared as I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look away and focus on me. “Did any of them help you?”

“No, but?—”

“No.” I said firmly. “This is what I was trying to protect you from, Matty. Because the truth is, I won’t let any of them walk away. They. Hurt. You. And they will pay with their lives. It’s as simple as that. This is what I meant when I told you I’m not a good person. This is why I’ll never be good enough for you. Because no amount of begging or pleading, even from you, will make me show them mercy.”

Matty’s eyes were like saucers, his mouth hanging open. I pushed on, letting him see the full monster beneath the shining veneer. “None of them helped you, sunshine, so none of them deserve to live. I will destroy anyone and everyone who hurts you. Anyone who so much as makes you lose your smile will face my wrath. Do you understand?”

He swayed on the bench, his face ashen. Shit, now wasn’t the time for this discussion.

“Close your eyes, sunshine. Keep them closed this time…no matter what you hear.”

His eyelids fluttered shut, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. He sank against the wall, like it was all that was holding him upright.

I curled my hands into fists to stop myself reaching for him. That wasn’t who I was. Not anymore.

It was better that he knew the truth. After today, he’d understand. He’d keep his distance and I’d finally be able to move on.

Why did that thought make me feel so…hollow?

A wolf slammed into my shoulder, snapping me back to the moment. I whirled on him with a roar, Bessie in one hand, my stake in the other.

I overpowered him easily, ripping his throat out with venom-coated fangs. Spitting gore onto the floor, I dropped into a crouch before leaping at a wolf going for Danny’s back.

He was dead before he had time to realise I’d bitten him.

Chucking his limp body to the side, I surveyed the room, impressed. Danny had taken out two-thirds of the wolves on his own.

Fuck. I mean, he talked a big talk about how powerful he was. Who knew he had the balls and skills to back it up?

Blood and gore matted Danny’s fur, but none of it seemed to be from him. He had a wolf pinned to the floor, using his teeth to tear him to pieces.

That left just two.

By the time Danny was finished, I’d dispatched them both. I surveyed the carnage surrounding us. Body parts lay everywhere, like Danny had just been ripping them limb from limb.

He shifted back to human form, the blood disappearing like it’d never been there. What did he think, knowing he’d parted his kin from their immortality?

Given the disgust on his face as he surveyed them, he wasn’t cut up about it.

Hm. Perhaps Danny and I had something in common after all.

“Didn’t anyone teach you how to kill cleanly?” I hissed at him quietly.

He shrugged. “Where’s the fun in that?”

A small whimper had my head whipping around. Matty.

I made to rush over to him, but Danny stopped me, whispering too low for Matty’s human ears to hear. “You might wanna wipe your face, man.”

Ah. Yes. Matty might know the real me now, but there was no need to scare him.

Shucking my suspenders from my shoulders, I stripped off my shirt. It’d been ruined long before I’d stepped in here, thanks to Danny making me stake him repeatedly in the car.

Using the inside of it, I wiped all the blood from my face before looking at Danny questioningly. “Am I good?”
