Page 76 of Justice

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“Wait,” I barked at him. “Keep him for me.”

Danny gave me a questioning look but shifted his hand back. “Hurry up. This cunt has had this coming for a very long time.”

With a nod, I hastened outside. Balancing Matty with one hand, I used the other to open the back door.

To my horror, Matty began thrashing in my grip as I tried to lower him in. “No, no, no.”

I straightened up, taking several steps back from the car. “Sunshine?”

Matty opened his eyes. The weariness and fear there made me glad I had not one, but two wolves waiting for me inside the house. “Sorry, it’s just….they shoved me in the boot. You trying to put me in the car, it freaked me out. Sorry.”

Venom filled my mouth in preparation for vengeance. I swallowed it back, knowing Matty needed me more right now. “Don’t apologise, Matty. Is it easier if you get in yourself?”

Matty’s head swivelled around to look at my car. Fuck, I wished the interior wasn’t covered in blood. Hopefully Danny had managed to keep it mostly contained to the front seat. “I think so.”

My brain screamed at me in protest as I gently lowered Matty to his feet. He was still wearing his blue Converse, and his feet seemed uninjured.

With the way he whimpered getting into the car, that was the only part of him that was.

I waited until he was in before closing the door and racing to the other side. I didn’t try to hide my speed now. What was the point?

He’d already seen me at my worst. Already seen the nightmare I’d wanted to keep hidden from him.

I studied him carefully, working out where to start. Matty was deathly pale, his knuckles white as he clutched the blanket around his chest. His other hand, the injured one, was hidden under the cloth. Blood and vomit covered the side of his face and his neck.

Strangely, the sight and scent of his blood was doing nothing for me. When he’d cut himself in the kitchen, it’d taken every century of self-taught restraint to stop me biting him then and there.

There was none of that temptation now. My biggest concern was figuring out where the blood was coming from. Given the location and amount, I was guessing he had a head wound.

What scared me the most though was his eyes. They were fixed on the seat in front, utterly blank. It was like what he’d experienced had reached into his brain and wiped it clean.

Leaning over the front seats, I flipped the glove box open. Along with a couple of stakes, there was a small kit for cleaning up murders on the go.

You never knew when your skills might be called upon.

Grabbing the wipes, I scooted closer to Matty. “Sunshine? Can I clean your face and neck?”

His wooden expression didn’t change. For a second I thought he hadn’t heard me.

Then his head bobbed up and down by a few centimetres.

It took half a pack of wipes before Matty’s face was clean. Now that it was, it was easy to see where the blood was coming from. I wanted to ask him how it’d happened, but a bigger part of me didn’t want to remind him of any of this.

“Matty, you’ve got a substantial head wound here. Would you like me to heal it for you?”

He didn’t respond. Just kept staring forward.

Something hot began to burn through me.

“Sunshine.” I gently tugged his chin until he met my eyes. “Matty, I’m so fucking sorry about all of this. Can I make your head better?”

His eyes slipped over my shoulder, staring off into the distance. When he spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper. “Okay.”

“I’m just going to lick you,” I said quietly, not wanting to startle him. “My saliva will heal the wound.”

His eyes flicked to mine, and I could’ve sworn I saw his lips twitch. “You did say you have a talented tongue.”

Relief hit me, so strong I almost felt dizzy with it. There it was. A tiny glimmer that my sunshine hadn’t been extinguished. “Stay still. This will only take a second.”
