Page 77 of Justice

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Matty was obedient, not moving a muscle as I smoothed his hair away from his forehead.

I swiped my tongue over the wound, sealing it over. It took two attempts to close it entirely, but then it was done.

The taste of him lingered like sweet nectar in my mouth, but that wasn’t a problem. I didn’t think I’d ever felt less of an urge to feed than I did in that moment.

“What else is hurting?”

“My hand…” Matty’s voice quavered.

Of course. I cursed internally. I’d been so worried about the blood loss I hadn’t thought to deal with that first. I touched the edges of the blanket lightly, steeling myself for what I was about to see. “Can I look, sunshine?”

Another nod.

Moving slowly so as not to startle him, I opened the blanket.

It was so much worse than I’d thought when I’d seen it a moment ago. And what I’d thought had already been terrible.

I wanted to tear the bones from those fuckers while they were still alive.

I forced that back. They could wait. Matty needed me more right now.

“Jesus, Matty.” I didn’t attempt to touch his hand, knowing it was beyond my level of skill. Where was Toby when you needed him?

Matty’s composure broke, a tear slipping free. “It hurts so much, Seb.”

“I’m so sorry. I should’ve done this earlier.” Stroking my fingers over his chin, I lifted my lips in a small smile. “Look into my eyes, and I’ll make the pain go away.”

His brow furrowed in confusion, but he did as I asked.

I let my power leech out as I spoke. “You don’t feel any pain right now and won’t feel any until your hand is healed.”

Matty’s gaze clouded over for a second before clearing. He gave a small gasp, looking down at his hand in shock. “How’d you do that?”

“I’ll explain later,” I said, pulling back before I could do something I’d regret. Like drawing him into my lap and comforting him. Sinking my fangs into him and claiming him as my mate. Promising him he’d never be hurt again.

Those last two things didn’t go together though. Being the mate of a supe was one thing—look at how Cal and the others had lost their shit at needing to go and help Micah. Being a supe with a mate meant accepting they’d be dragged into our fucked-up world on a regular basis.

But being mated to me? An assassin and hacker notorious for taking out supes and generally pissing people off?

That was a one-way ticket to an eternity of living in fear. And that was before even considering the effect my less-than-stellar personality would eventually have on Matty.

Matty exhaled, his colour returning slightly. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, Matty,” I said darkly, tucking the blanket back around him. “This should never have happened in the first place. I should’ve been watching you more closely, damnit.”

His lips moved slowly. So slowly, I thought I was imagining it. But within moments, there was no hiding his smile. “You’ve been watching me?”

I growled at him. “You shouldn’t find that attractive.”

But Matty wasn’t listening. His eyes had that faraway look again, like he was still in that room. On his knees. Waiting for his life to end.

Never again. Never fucking again would I let Matty be put in that position.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Wait.” Matty’s good hand grabbed my wrist. I pretended that tiny contact wasn’t making me feel more alive than I had in centuries. “Don’t leave me.”

I gently plucked his hand from me, tucking it back inside the blanket and wrapping him tightly again. “You’ll be alone for less than twenty seconds, I promise. Danny will be out here the second I relieve him.”
