Page 9 of Justice

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It was addictive.

I’d tried to stay away, but as with every addiction, it wasn’t long before it was calling to me like a siren. I found myself seeking him out, watching him from afar, waiting for these little moments. I hoarded them like a miser, flicking through the memories whenever life kept me from him for too long.

Matty was heading down the road, but fortunately he wasn’t alone. He was flanked on one side by his brother, a human called Leo. I had to begrudgingly admit that he was a skilled fighter.

For a human.

However, it was the figure on his other side that had me relaxing. Ferry, formerly the boatman of the river Styx, was scanning the night. As supes, we had to expect threats at any time. Coming from any direction.

Given my occupation, I was one of the reasons why supes like Ferry could never fully relax.

I felt no guilt over it. The jobs I took on were always well researched before I signed on the dotted line. The lives I removed from this world didn’t deserve to be a part of it any longer. They were the lowest of the low. Scum that even demons wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.

I didn’t care if they were human or supe. Male or female. The only criteria I needed was the list of their crimes.

Then I became the face of their nightmares.

It was a face I never wanted Matty to see. On anyone, not just me. That was why I was so glad Ferry was accompanying him. A supe would be signing his death warrant to challenge Ferry now his powers had fully returned. As Matty’s future brother-in-law, it was in Ferry’s best interests to protect him.

Good. I needed him safe. The thought of anything happening to him made me want to break bones.

Ideally, those belonging to anyone who caused him to lose his smile.

Thankfully, Matty had befriended a group of the most dangerous supes on earth. Not that he was aware of this. From our single meeting, it was clear that Matty knew nothing of our world.

Not that it mattered. They’d keep him safe now he was part of their inner circle.

I stalked along the rooftops, following them at a distance. What was it like, that sense of belonging?

I might’ve known it…once. But that was a very long time ago. I’d forgotten what it felt like.

Unlike my cousin, it wasn’t something I’d sought out again, but I had to admit their blind loyalty made me curious.

I didn’t take my attention off Matty for a second. The darkness was no barrier for my vision. I could clearly make out the relaxed swing of Matty’s hands. The way he subtly bounced on his toes when excitement overtook him.

I couldn’t see his face from back here, but that was okay. That smile would be enough to get me through at least the next few days.


I followed them all the way back to the flat Matty shared with his brother, Leo. I couldn’t go any further, not without alerting Ferry to my presence.

No, this would have to be enough. The knowledge felt like a blow to my stomach.

I poked at it with a scowl. How dare it be so…finicky.

Nothing made sense where Matty was concerned. The funny thing was, I didn’t even like him. In truth, I knew almost nothing about him. I had no intention of finding anything out, either.

It was just that damned smile.

Maybe if vampires had fated mates like the demons, it would make more sense. But we didn’t. Like shifters, our mates were people we chose.

And after Laurent’s betrayal, there was no way I’d choose a human as my eternal mate.

Even if Matty’s smile was more beautiful than the stars.

Chapter 2

