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With each legend, I grew more confident. The crowd listened intently, clearly impressed that this alien-human knew their cherished stories so well. I glanced again at Kian and saw pride in his eyes. My heart swelled, bolstering me onward.

Finally, I came to the end of the last tale. As the final word left my lips, the villagers erupted into loud cheers and applause. I had passed their test. Despite my simmering resentment at being forced to prove myself like this, I couldn’t help smiling.

Servers appeared and began carving slices of the perfectly roasted ram for everyone. I served Kian the choicest piece myself. He squeezed my hand, his eyes full of warmth. “You were amazing, Kate,” he said. “I’m so proud of you.”

His praise meant everything to me. I had done this for him, to show I was dedicated to him and his people, no matter how much Turok tried to undermine me. As I took my place at Kian’s side, he raised his glass in my honor.

“To Kate!” he proclaimed loudly. “A true daughter of Surlon!” Everyone joined the toast, even grudgingly Turok. I had proven I belonged. Tonight, I was no longer an outsider.

The feast commenced joyfully. Surlon music filled the village square as we all ate, drank, laughed and shared stories late into the night. I stayed close by Kian’s side, our hands frequently finding each other. Each touch sent my pulse racing.

After the dishes were cleared, drums sounded, signaling the start of celebratory dances around the great fire. Kian led me over to join in. We whirled and stamped our feet along with the others, carried away by the infectious rhythm and energy.

Kian’s hands grasped my waist as he lifted and spun me. I gazed joyfully into his eyes, my skin tingling everywhere we touched. He had defended me against Turok’s scheming. It was clear now that his feelings for me ran as deep as mine for him.

The dance ended with all of us collapsing together in a laughing, breathless tangle. Musicians struck up a slow love ballad next. Kian drew me close and we swayed together under the starry sky.

“Thank you for doing this, Kate,” he murmured near my ear. “It shows how much you care about my people.”

I nodded, too overwhelmed by emotion to speak. The anger I’d felt toward Turok had melted away. All that mattered now were Kian’s strong arms around me and the depth of our bond.

He brushed his fingers lightly down my cheek. “You are an amazing woman,” he said softly. “I don’t know what I’d do without you now.”

My heart pounded as I gazed up at him. He slowly leaned in. I closed my eyes as his lips met mine in a tender kiss. In that perfect moment, any lingering doubts faded. I knew I had found where I truly belonged - here in Kian’s arms.

The music and revelry gradually died down as the moons rose high above the village. I felt dizzy with elation and more than a little drunk on honey mead. Kian took my hand, a playful smile on his face.

“Come with me,” he whispered. “I want to show you something.”

Intrigued, I let him lead me away from the glowing bonfires and out past the outermost dwellings. We slipped into the silvery darkness, leaving behind the sounds of celebration. I shivered a little in the cool night air, both from anticipation and the chill. Kian wrapped a strong arm around me as we walked.

We crested a small rise, and I drew in a delighted breath. Spread out before us were sweeping moonlit fields and hills that seemed to roll on forever. Everything glowed with an ethereal silvery-blue light. It was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen.

Kian guided me over to a flat boulder at the edge of the fields. We sat down side by side, hands loosely entwined as we gazed out at the view.

“I’ve been wanting to bring you here,” Kian said softly. “This is one of my favorite places. It’s peaceful and private.”

He turned to look at me then, his face serious. Reaching up, he gently brushed a strand of hair back from my cheek. My pulse quickened at his touch.

“Kate, having you here with me now, it feels so right,” he murmured. “I’ve never felt this way before about anyone.”

He paused, as if struggling to find the right words. I sat perfectly still, holding my breath.

“What I’m trying to say is...I love you, Kate,” Kian said finally, his voice husky with emotion. “I think I’ve loved you since the moment I first saw you. You make me happier than I ever dreamed possible.”

My heart swelled at his words. I had longed to hear him say them for so long now. Unable to stop myself, I threw my arms around him in a fierce embrace.

“Oh, Kian, I love you too!” I cried. “So much that it scares me sometimes.”

He hugged me tightly to him for a long moment before pulling back to gaze earnestly into my eyes.

“Does this mean you’ve decided to stay on Surlon?” he asked hopefully. “To make a life here with me? I thought that perhaps you had since you agreed to Turok’s challenge, but I can’t assume…”

I took a deep breath. It was the question I had been wrestling with for weeks now. My old life as a wanderer already seemed a lifetime away. I knew in my heart I would never feel at home out there among the stars again. Here with Kian was where I truly belonged.

“Yes,” I said firmly. “My place is here with you. I’m not going anywhere.”

Joy lit up Kian’s face. He drew me into a kiss filled with promise and passion. I sank against him, marveling that after so many years alone, I had finally found where I was meant to be.
