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We stayed there a long time atop that moonlit hill, locked in a tight embrace. Eventually, Kian lay back on the cool grass and pulled me down to nestle beside him. We lay gazing up at the vast carpet of glittering stars together, content just to be close. I pillowed my head on Kian’s broad chest as he idly stroked my hair.

“I used to stare up at the stars and dream of adventure out there,” I murmured. “Now you are my greatest adventure.”

Kian pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I never want this night to end,” he said softly.

“It doesn’t have to,” I whispered back. And it didn’t. We stayed there together ‘til dawn, dozing on and off in each other’s arms beneath that spectacular starry sky. The bonfires back in the village had long since faded to embers, but a new fire had been kindled between Kian and me. A love that I hoped would endure for the rest of our lives, however long they might be.

Chapter 14


I held Kate close as we kissed passionately beneath the starry night sky. Her lips were so soft and warm against mine, and my heart pounded with exhilaration and relief now that I’d finally confessed my true feelings for her. After keeping my emotions bottled up for so long, it felt liberating to unleash my passion and let our connection blossom into romance.

As we embraced, I caught a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head slightly to see Vala peering at us from behind a rocky outcropping nearby. Her eyes were wide with surprise and curiosity. I tensed instinctively, wondering if she would react with disapproval to seeing me, the sheriff, kissing an outsider so intimately. But then Vala broke into a broad grin and quickly slipped away, heading back towards the village.

I had a bad feeling I knew exactly where she was going - straight to Turok to report what she’d witnessed between Kate and me. Ever since Kate crash-landed here, Turok had made his opposition to her presence clear. As village elder, he clung stubbornly to old prejudices against outsiders. I dreaded how he would react to this latest development between Kate and me. Surely it would only inflame his resentment towards her. She might have passed his tests, but that didn’t mean he’d bless our union.

“What’s wrong?” Kate asked, noticing the frown creasing my brow.

I quickly smoothed my expression, not wanting to worry her. “It’s nothing, darling,” I said. “Just thinking we should head back before it gets too late.”

We walked hand in hand through the moonlit fields. I kept a brisk pace, anxious to intercept Vala before she could stir up more trouble with Turok. But as we approached the village, I spotted them already deep in tense conversation near Turok’s house. Vala’s gestures were animated as she seemed to describe what she’d witnessed between Kate and me. Turok’s expression was stone-faced, but a storm brewed in his eyes.

My heart sank. This was exactly what I’d feared. There would be no reasoning with Turok when he was this livid.

“Wait here a moment,” I murmured to Kate. “I need to speak with Turok about something.”

I approached Turok, trying to keep my manner calm and respectful. “Elder, I hoped we could discuss this rationally-”

“Rational?!” Turok thundered, jabbing an accusing finger towards Kate. “You dare speak to me of reason after debasing yourself with this alien temptress?”

I froze, stunned by his crude words. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kate flinch as well.

“Mind your words, Turok,” I said quietly. “I’ won’t have you insult Kate so crudely.”

“Then you admit you’ve fallen under her spell?” Turok demanded. “I warned you not to let your guard down around that alien witch, and now look at you - bewitched beyond all reason!”

Anger boiled up in me, but I fought to keep my voice steady. “The only one acting beyond reason here is you, Turok. Kate has done nothing but prove herself an ally to our people. It was by her help that we defeated the rustler threat. Your opposition to her now is based solely on outdated prejudice.”

“Prejudice?!” Turok spat. “I am trying to protect you, you foolish boy! This alien is manipulating you with her wiles for her own selfish gain. But go on, debase yourself further! When she breaks your heart and leaves you ruined, do not come crying to me for mercy.”

With that, Turok stormed off, shaking with rage. I stared after him helplessly, at a loss for what to do or say to change his mind. How could I make him see reason when his judgment was so clouded by hatred? This rift between us wounded me deeply. Turok had been like a father to me since my own passed. I hated to lose his trust and respect this way.

Kate approached cautiously and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Kian,” she said softly. “I never meant to come between you and Turok.”

I turned and drew her into an embrace. “You have nothing to apologize for, my love. The fault lies with Turok and his stubborn refusal to open his mind. Do not let his cruel words trouble you.”

Still, I worried what further conflict Turok might stir up in his anger towards Kate. I would need to be vigilant in defending her from his wrath. But looking into Kate’s warm, loving eyes, I knew she was worth any struggle. I would protect her with my life if need be. Nothing would break the bond we now shared.

* * *

I knew it was risky, but I had to follow my heart. After Kate and I confessed our love under the starlit sky, I made a decision - I would ask her to be my mate. Tradition dictated I present her with a betrothal necklace to formalize the bond between us. I set to work crafting the necklace myself, carefully selecting the most beautiful stones from the river and polishing them into an ornate design that reflected my affection.

The day I finished the necklace, I invited Kate to ride with me to a secluded spot along the canyon rim. I spread out a blanket and motioned for her to sit. My heart pounded as I grasped the necklace in my pocket.

“Kate,” I began, “From the moment I pulled you from the wreckage, I felt drawn to you, even as I tried to deny it. No matter how I fought it, that connection only grew stronger. You’ve shown such resilience and courage during your time here. Watching you risk your life to help us reclaim the herds made me realize - I can’t imagine my life without you now.”

I withdrew the necklace and held it up. The polished stones glinted in the sunlight.
