Page 149 of Against All Odds

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“He thinks my résumé is okay, but I’m still worried it’s not. That it looks like I’m…flighty. That I don’t know what I’m doing. And Idon’tknow what I’m doing. I’m happy here, way happier than I was in Boston or at Oxford. But I… I don’t know. I chose to major in math because it made sense at the time. It sounded smart and important. But Professor Nelson gave me this list of companies for internships. I looked a bunch of them up, and they all sound boring. I don’t want to work in a cubicle, staring at spreadsheets all day. So now I’m worried I chose my major wrong too, but I can’t possibly change that and I—why are you smiling?”

“Because I’m graduating in May with a two point something GPA and absolutely no marketable skills, and you’re worried your math degree and four point oh are going to hold you back.”

I chew on the inside of my cheek. “You’re right. I’m being silly. It’ll all be fine.”

“You’re not being silly. That’s not what I’m saying. I get freaking out about the future, a little too well. I’m just trying to give you some perspective. You have amazing grades and you’ve had experiences people will see as impressive, not flighty. If you end up in a job you hate, then you find a new one. Go to grad school and study something that’s not math. There will always be other options, Rye.”

I exhale. Nod. “Yeah. You’re right.”

“Nah, I’m an idiot, because I just realized I never actually asked you.”

“Asked me what?”

“If you’ll be my girlfriend.” He grimaces. “That wasn’t a question either. Will you be my girlfriend, Rylan?”

“Are you…sure?”

Yesis the answer I want to shout. But the last guy who asked me that question changed his mind in the most painful way possible. Aidan’s different from Walker in practically every way. I don’t think he’d cheat on me. But the memory of hearing his teammates say he was upstairs last night is still a fresh, raw one. I haven’t forgotten how hearing that felt. And I convinced myself Aidan wasn’t a possibility. That he wouldn’t ever want a relationship. I’m still absorbing that he does.

“I’m sure,” he says. “I wouldn’t have said anything if I wasn’t.”

Aidan doesn’t sound mad I’m doubting him. Just matter-of-fact, like there’s no question in his mind. His confidence bolsters mine. And I’d rather regret leaping than to never jump at all.

“Okay. Then yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

He grins, wide and boyish, then rolls so he’s hovering over me, holding most of his weight off me. All I can feel is the rasp of his strong legs rubbing mine, and the delicious drag of his erection against my inner thigh. My knees part automatically, spreading to accommodate him.

Aidan doesn’t reach down, though. His mouth brushes back and forth against mine twice, the touch lighter than a feather floating past. Then he’s kissing me, intense, overwhelming ones that make my mind go blank. That sear into my skin like a brand and leave my lips tingling, even after his move down to my neck.

“I like you in my bed, wearing my clothes,” he tells me between kisses.

“I like being in your bed, wearing your clothes,” I reply between pants, running my hands down his muscular back. “What time do you have practice?”

“Not until—” A phone rings, cutting him off. “Yours,” he says. “Mine’s dead.”

I glance over the side of the bed, at the spot on the floor where I left my phone.

“It’s my, uh, dad. I’ll call him back.”

“It’s okay. Take it.” He rolls away.

After a split-second of deliberation, I reach for it. My dad rarely calls and never this early, so something might be wrong.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, honey. How are you?”

Fantastic. I have a new boyfriend, and he’s one of your players.

This isn’t how I can tell him, though. And it’s something I need to talk to Aidan about first.

“Um, fine. How about you? Is everything okay?”

“Yes, everything’s great.” He pauses, like something just occurred to him. “I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

“No, I was up.”
