Page 29 of Against All Odds

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“Same here. Aidan talks about you all the time. Nice to finally put a face to the name.”

I clench my jaw. I’ve never mentioned Conor, or anything about my life in Somerville, to Jameson.

We stare at each other as Conor heads upstairs.

“Can’t believe you actually came.”

“Can’t believe you skipped Christmas. Mom was crushed.”

“I was busy.”

“You’ve never beenbusya day in your life, Aidan. You fuck around doing nothing. Contributing nothing. You’re a Phillips, for God’s sake. Grow up.”

“Wow. You soundjust like Dad.”

Jameson shakes his head. “That’s not the insult you think it is.”

“If I was trying to insult you, Jameson, I’d ask how many hours you’ve spent on the deal you’re rushing back to close.”


I laugh. “Bullshit. You’re Dad’s lapdog, and he’s tossing you a bone and letting you act important.”

“You’re living off the same money I am. At least I’mworkingfor it.”

“I’m in college,” I respond. “I don’t recall you waiting tables at Stanford.”

“You only have one semester left. What’s going to be your excuse after graduation? I know you’re not taking any of Dad’s calls. You’ll be lucky to get a job at the company.”

“I don’t want a job at the company.”

“What are your other options?”

To that, I have no good answer. If anyone except my older brother had accused me of doing nothing during my college years, I would have laughed and asked themCan’t I put partying on my resume?

Truthfully, I have no fucking clue what I’ll do after graduation. I’m majoring in business because it’s what most student athletes choose, and I had to pick something, not because it’s anything I’m passionate about.

Jameson gets a call, saving me from answering.

“Hey, Dad,” he answers, flashing me a smug grin as his voice inflates with self-importance. “No, I don’t have that in front of me, but I can pull it up. One second.” His voice gets quieter as he heads deeper into the house. I’m sure he took the downstairs master for himself. “Yes, he’s here. Just got back fromsnowboarding.”

I roll my eyes, then head for the stairs.

Jameson’s presence will be more tolerable after I’ve stripped off this gear, showered, and helped myself to a stiff drink. Maybe tonight will be the evening I finally talk Hart into having some fun. He’s still sulking about Harlow.

Halfway to the stairs, the doorbell rings.

I stop and sigh. I’m not expecting anyone. Jameson probably ordered something, and of course he’s off talking to my dad. I spin around and head for the door.

Instead of a delivery person, there’s a gorgeous blondestanding on the doorstep. Full face of makeup with the flaps of her fancy coat wide open, a low-cut sweater showing off her cleavage. She tilts her head to the left and smiles, a couple pieces of her styled hair falling into the exposed valley between her tits.

“Hello there, gorgeous,” I drawl. “How can I help you?”

She blushes, twirling a curl around her finger. “I didn’t know we’d have company. I’m Autumn. I’m looking for Jameson?”

Just like that, any interest in her dissipates.

He flew one of his side chicks into town.Unbelievable. I’m pissed, and the person I’m pissed for doesn’t deserve my anger on her behalf.
