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“Me either,” she said, hoping that that meant he was going to do it again. She couldn’t quite figure out how he could make her feel so crazy and yet so secure at the same time. It was like being strapped into a roller coaster.

“But I think it better be.” He ran a hand over her hair again, slowly, like he was thinking about the way it felt. She really liked how conscientious he was, how each thing that he did he did slowly and deliberately like he enjoyed it, and wanted to savor her. Rather than rushing, or being impatient. Maybe that was his age more than anything. She didn’t care, she just liked it.

“I’m not going to say I’m not disappointed. That was the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

He chuckled, like what she said was funny. “I definitely think I can use some practice. And if you’re willing, then, I think we ought to definitely make some time every day for practicing.”

“That won’t be a hardship for me.”

He smiled and stepped back. “It was a good day. Thank you. I... Should have spent the whole day with you. I’m sorry.”

She’d forgotten that he hadn’t been there that morning. And while she appreciated his apology, she figured that there probably were going to be plenty of days he had to work, since the ranch was a little different than most businesses. It didn’t shut down at a certain time and the employees went home.

“I’ll take whatever you give me. And I’ll appreciate it.”

His smile faded a little, and he said, “You deserve a lot more.”

She started to shake her head, and then feeling a little crafty, she said, “Then I’ll take another kiss.”

He laughed then, and she felt like she scored a victory. Making Ezra laugh, because the sound wasn’t common, and she cherished it.

“I can’t tell the lady no. Especially when I enjoyed the first one so much.” He stepped closer, and it was a good long while before she walked to her room alone.

Chapter 20

“You’ve been smiling a lot today. Last night must have been pretty good.”

Ezra blinked and looked at his brother. He realized after the words penetrated his brain that Caleb was right. He was smiling an awful lot. Not for the reason that Caleb probably assumed, but because he felt like, first of all, he’d made the right decision to not push Alaska, even though she had been willing, which, that in itself made him smile.

He offered to marry her to protect her, to give her the protection of his family and his friends, but...he had felt something more for her from the beginning. Because he didn’t think he would offer to marry just anyone. He had a good time with her. He definitely enjoyed kissing her. And he was hopeful. Hopeful that what they had started yesterday would stretch into a lifetime of shared laughter, shared hopes and dreams, and yes, shared passion.

“And the man has no comment on that?” Caleb said, as they unloaded the roll of woven wire from the back of the ATV.

“I think I read somewhere that you’re not supposed to kiss and tell. So yeah, the man has no comment.”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen you smile like that since... Ever. Maybe I should go looking for a wife for myself.”

“You probably should. You’re not getting any younger.”

“You’re always going to be the old man.”

“I can handle it.” Although, when he thought about Alaska, and how she was only twenty-five, he did pause a little. He didn’t thinkof her as young. Maybe he should try to remember. But she just seemed so much more mature.

He had wanted to take her with him today. But, Caleb and he were fixing fence, and he was up and out of the house before Alaska came down the stairs. Claudia had cooked breakfast, and he grabbed something from the main house before he and Caleb headed out.

“I think if I get married, I’m going to want my wife to work with me. I’m definitely not going to want to get up and have to spend the day with my brother,” Caleb said conversationally as they threw off a couple fence posts. There was just a small section that had been broken down because the electric wire on the top hadn’t been hot and the cows had pushed on it.

There was always something to fix, whether it was fence, a water trough, or pieces of equipment. Something was always breaking down. Part of being a rancher was being able to fix stuff. Any kind of stuff.

“So did you get a good price for the weaners?” Caleb asked as they continued to work.

“It was the best price we could get with the way prices have been lately. I’m not happy with it, and it’s not sustainable long term, but we’ll be able to pay some bills.”

The books were open for any of the siblings to see. They all had a share in the farm, which Ezra hadn’t been entirely sure was a good idea. Trying to split something twelve ways was bound to be complicated. But, so far it had worked. At some point they were probably going to have to do something else. But for now, he was happy that the family could stay together, and they could all work and play and be around each other. It hadn’t exactly been a dream of his, but his parents had wanted that for them. Part of the problem with the ranch in Wyoming was it was too small.

He wasn’t sure North Dakota was any better. It was a lot bigger, but it seemed like it would be a lot harder to make money here.Hopefully the dude ranch would take off, but that wasn’t his area. People and talking weren’t his strengths.

But Alaska had given him grace.
