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Did I just say that last bit out loud?

Leif chuckled. ‘Kind and handsome, eh? Where is he? Let me sort him out for you!’ He looked around as if searching for someone and Flora giggled.

‘You know I’m taking about you.’

‘I know and thank you. I do aim to be kind but the handsome bit, well… it’s in the genes I guess.’

‘Do you look like your parents?’ she asked, appraising him.

‘I do. My dad is tall and blond and also has a beard like mine. Well, I say blond but his hair is more white than blond now, but Mum is still blonde. She claims she doesn’t dye it, but between us, I think she’s fibbing.’ He winked.

‘Is your mum beautiful?’

Leif frowned. ‘I guess so. But she’s my mum so it’s hard to know. I’ve always thought that she’s beautiful but that’s because she’s kind and caring. My parents always put me first and I grew up feeling secure and loved.’

‘That’s where you get it from then?’

‘Feeling secure?’

‘Yes and being kind and caring.’

‘Both my parents are that way. I was lucky to grow up with them being so patient and understanding. I know not all parents are good role models. What about yours?’

‘What about them?’ She rubbed at the back of her neck.

‘Are they kind, loving and beautiful like you?’ His eyes twinkled with mischief but this was a difficult topic for her and she swallowed hard.

‘My parents… well, my dad and stepmother, live in Majorca. They let apartments out to tourists. They are nice… and my dad is a kind man but we’re not that close. He was always so busy when I was growing up and then as soon as I went to university, he moved to Majorca. It was like he’d been waiting for me to be old enough so he could leave. My stepmother only came on the scene when I was fifteen and they moved in together. She’slovely too but again, we were never close. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s because they were so besotted with each other that I felt there wasn’t room for me. I’m not sure. They weren’t cruel or neglectful, but we just rarely see each other. We stay in touch via text because they’re very busy people. Well, I’m very busy too so that’s why, I guess.’

‘And your mum?’ Leif asked softly.

‘She passed away when I was very young. I barely knew her. My dad always said she was a wonderful person and very beautiful, but she had an… an eating disorder and she became very frail.’

‘I’m so sorry.’

‘Thank you. I have photos of her and she really was beautiful.’ Flora touched her hat. ‘She had hair as dark as mine and eyes so brown they were almost black. But sadly, she was… always worried about her weight. My dad said that it went back to her childhood where her mother and grandmother were very critical. Apparently, when she was a teenager, they accused her of being plump and so she went on a diet that lasted her entire life. When she met my dad, he said that he tried to make her feel confident about herself and she did start to eat properly, which enabled her to get pregnant with me but then… her demons emerged again, and she wasted away.’

‘That’s dreadfully sad.’

‘I know. It’s strange though because when I talk about it, it’s like I’m talking about someone else’s life.’ She met his gaze and saw that his eyes were filled with compassion. ‘Does that make sense?’

‘It does. I think that the human mind has a way of distancing itself from pain.’

‘Sometimes. But not when it comes to my bloody ex.’

‘No?’ he raised his blond brows.

‘No. He… Oh it doesn’t matter. I don’t want him to spoil this evening for us. He doesn’t deserve to be spoken about, especially not when we’re looking at Christmas trees for Victor.’

‘In that case, I agree. But just so you know, Flora… I’m here anytime you need to talk.’

‘Thank you, Leif. That’s really kind of you.’

‘Come on then, let’s choose a tree.’

He held out his hand and Flora looked at it for a moment before accepting it. His fingers enveloped hers and she felt small and feminine. Leif was a big man with a big heart.

Chapter 13
