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‘OK then but make sure you tell me how much it is.’ Victor picked up his mug and sipped his tea. ‘That’s a good cuppa.’

‘Back in a bit,’ Leif said then he went through to the hallway.

‘Shall we watch a bit of TV while we wait?’ Flora asked as she stood up and went back to the chair, not wanting to crowd Victor and Magnus.

‘That would be lovely,’ Victor said. ‘There’s usually an antiques programme on around this time of day.’

He picked up the remote and found the programme then they sat there together in a comfortable silence while Magnus shuffled closer to Victor on the sofa and Flora wondered what it would be like to bake with a Viking.

Chapter 6


Walking around the supermarket the next day with Victor and Flora, Leif couldn’t help smiling. Yesterday morning he’d had no idea this was on the cards, and it was such a nice surprise to be shopping with two new friends. In fact, now that he was with company, it occurred to him that he had been feeling a bit lonely lately. He had Magnus, of course he did, but he didn’t have relatives around or any close friends. He had acquaintances he could meet for a beer but his close friends, the ones he’d grown up with, were all in Norway and while he could speak to them on the phone or via video call, it wasn’t the same as being able to spend time with them. He hadn’tthoughtof himself as lonely, not at all, but being out on a Saturday morning with two friends was making him realise what he’d been missing.

This morning, Leif had left Magnus at home, chewing on one of his peanut butter bones, and he’d driven the van to Victor’s where he’d collected Victor and Flora. Leif had dressed casually but warmly because it was a chilly winter’s day and he’d noted that Victor and Flora had done the same. He’d also noticed how pretty Flora looked in her jeans, black down filled jacket and the red beret that was perched on her shiny, dark hair. Her skinhad looked luminous in the December morning light and when she’d smiled at him, his heart had lifted as if he’d just won the lottery or achieved a lifetime ambition. Strange really, the effect her smile had upon him but he wasn’t complaining. It was a very pleasant feeling indeed.

In the van, Victor had told them about a new detective series he’d started watching on TV last night and then he’d told them who he thought the killer was in it, so even if Leif had wanted to watch it, he now knew not to bother. He’d laughed as Victor had explained why it was so obvious what was going on but then Flora had told him that she’d read the book, and he might want to keep watching the show as he’d be surprised when all was revealed. It seemed like Victor was glad to have people to talk to and now he’d started, he didn’t want to stop.

When they’d reached the supermarket, Leif had parked as close as he could to the entrance. They’d got two trolleys — one for Victor to have something to hold as he walked around and another for the ingredients they wanted for their baking. Leif knew that to anyone watching them they probably looked like a man out with one of his grandchildren and his or her partner.

‘Right then, Victor, what do you need?’ Flora asked, dragging Leif from his musing.

Victor brandished his shopping list. ‘Some fruit and veg and some sausages.’

‘OK then, fruit and veg aisles first it is.’ Flora pushed her trolley ahead and Victor and Leif followed.

Victor had some of those large shopping bags hooked over the handle of his trolley and Leif wondered if they’d been bought by his wife. From what Victor had said about Mavis, she’d been the organiser in their relationship, taking charge and making decisions. He suspected that was because Victor had been happy to let her. He couldn’t imagine being in a long-term relationship like that because he’d never had the urge to be with someonefor more than a few dates. He liked the company of women very much but unlike many of his friends, he’d never wanted to settle down. He’d assumed the urge would come when he hit a certain age or when he met the right woman, but so far, it had eluded him. Would it ever happen to him? He really didn’t know.

Flora helped Victor to choose some shiny, red apples, some bananas and some satsumas then they went to the veg. Leif trailed behind them, watching as Flora helped Victor. She was such a kind person, very gentle and compassionate and he admired that about her. A lot of the women he had dated, albeit for short periods of time, had been rather self-involved, more concerned about what they looked like in selfies than about what they could do to help others. But Flora… she was different, and it was refreshing. He was looking forward to getting to know her better.

Chapter 7


Flora was enjoying herself shopping with the two men. For her, shopping had become a function she did to put food in the fridge and cupboards and not something she enjoyed. She used to enjoy it when she was considering what she’d make for dinner, what she could create to delight her boyfriend who had a healthy appetite. Not that she saw herself as some kind of homemaker, but she did like to cook meals that he enjoyed and complimented her on. She frowned. What had been the point of that when he’d then gone and… She shuddered. Best not to think about that right now.

She helped Victor to load up his trolley, his smile at having help warming her heart. She was aware that some elderly people didn’t have any help and that was such a sad thought. Of course, not all elderly people were nice and there were reasons why families broke apart, why some had irreconcilable differences, but she wasn’t certain about Victor’s story and why he’d ended up a widower with no one around to look after him.

They reached the toiletries aisle and Victor got himself some toothpaste and mouthwash then he paused and stared ahead.

‘What is it, Victor?’ she asked.

‘Oh… It’s uhhhh… this aisle.’ He gestured ahead of them at the baby products.

‘It’s lovely, isn’t it?’ she said. ‘I like the smell of the baby products.’ She glanced at Leif, hoping he didn’t now think she was some kind of broody woman craving all the babies because she wasn’t. Well, not yet anyway. She had plans for the next few years and they didn’t involve motherhood. But Leif was reading the side of a bottle so he didn’t even seem to have noticed.

‘It does smell good,’ Victor said. ‘But… I find this aisle quite difficult to walk along.’

‘Why’s that?’ she asked, looking at his face, wondering why he’d gone so pale.

‘My Mavis used to love it.’ He met her eyes and sighed. ‘Grief is tough.’

‘Oh Victor.’ She stepped closer and hugged him. It was instinctive, and while she wasn’t usually a hugger with people she didn’t know very well, she sensed that he needed a hug right then. He stiffened in her embrace for a moment then patted her back gently.

When she let go of him, he said, ‘Thank you, dear. It’s been months since I had a hug.’

‘Victor, that’s such a shame.’ She said the words but she knew how he felt because it had been the same for her.
