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‘I know. It was a busy morning for him though. I mean, he is eighty-two.’

‘Bless him.’ Flora nodded. ‘Let’s make tea then get some baking on the go.’

‘Deal!’ Leif replied.

When the tea was ready, Flora took a mug through to Victor then returned to the kitchen and rolled up her sleeves. ‘He’s all settled with Magnus on the sofa and they’re watching some programme about dog training.’

‘The one about the dogs that really don’t like being trained?’ Leif laughed.

‘That’s the one. Magnus is fascinated.’

‘He loves anything about dogs. I just hope he doesn’t get too worked up and start barking at the TV.’

Leif got some recipes up on his smart phone and Flora looked through the cupboard for baking tins. She placed a round cake tin on the island then one cupcake tray. ‘I can’t find more than this. Do you think there are more here?’

‘Not sure. Hold on, I’ll check with Victor.’

In the lounge, he smiled at how cosy Victor and Magnus looked. Victor had a colourful crocheted blanket over his knees and Magnus was resting his head on the edge of it while watching the TV.

‘Victor, do you have any more baking tins. We’ve found a few but could do with some more. If not, it’s no problem because I can pop home and pick some up.’

Victor frowned in concentration for a moment then he raised his bushy white eyebrows.

‘Now I think about it, Mavis did dispose of some of her old ones as they’d got a bit rusty, but I’m sure she ordered more.Now… where would they be?’ he scratched his chin then nodded. ‘In the garage probably. I suspect they’re still in boxes.’

‘I’ll go and check, shall I?’ Leif said.

‘It’s all right, I can go.’ Victor made to get up but Magnus shuffled closer to him, so his chin was on Victor’s knees.

‘No, stay there, Victor. I can look.’

Leif went through the kitchen to the utility room and tried the garage door but it was locked. Looking up, he spotted a key on a hook, so he got it down and slid it into the lock. The door opened and he stepped into the garage. The smell of oil and damp hit him as if it had been a long time since the garage had been aired. There was a light switch to his left so he turned the light on and what he saw made him gasp.

‘Flora! Can you come here a moment, please?’ he said as he stared around him in awe.

Chapter 9


Flora was greasing the one cake tin so when she heard Leif call her name, she looked at her sticky hands then at the doorway to the utility room. She could wash her hands but as long as she didn’t touch anything, it would be fine. ‘Coming!’ she called.

She went through the utility room and into the garage and her mouth dropped open.

‘I can’t believe it.’ Leif turned to her. ‘Can you? I mean… what happened here?’

‘I have no idea.’ Flora shook her head and made an effort to close her mouth.

‘Do you think he knows?’ Leif asked.

‘I should think so. Otherwise, someone has been doing reverse robbery on him.’

Leif snorted. ‘Reverse robbery?’

‘Yes, instead of stealing stuff from him they’ve been bringing him stuff.’

‘It’s a lot of stuff, right?’

‘A lot!’ Flora nodded.
