Page 24 of Night of Mercy

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No can do.“As if I would even consider breaking one of your precious dating rules, mother dearest!” Prim burst out laughing at her own joke.

“Oh, Prim! Do I need to catch the next flight to Texas?”

“Please don’t.” Prim chuckled again. “I just called to say I love you. Just like your favorite song, Mom.”

The cozy cabin Shep shared with his uncle drew into view. The square log structure was pushed back from the road, right smack in the middle of a few acres of evergreens.

“I can’t believe you’re going to just leave me hanging like this,” her mother sighed.

“I really do love you, but I really do have to go.” Prim made kissing sounds and disconnected the line as she pulled into the hard-packed dirt driveway leading to Shep’s home.

Smoke puffed lazily from the chimney, which probably meant his uncle was inside reading the newspaper or watching a football game. There were no flowerbeds, urns, or window boxes. No frills whatsoever. It was one hundred percent bachelor pad.

She caught her breath at the realization that the resident bachelor was frowning at her from the end of the driveway. His arms were folded, his expression grim as she halted a few car lengths away from him. To her embarrassment, she stopped shorter than she meant to and skidded a little in the dirt.

Pushing open her door, she hopped to her feet and sang out breathlessly, “Forgot to set my alarm, but I think I made it with one minute to spare!”

He remained at the base of the porch steps, looking unimpressed. “You sure you’re up for the wimpless version of training?”

She smoothed her hands over her jacket. “Bring it on, deputy.”

“Alright. Let’s stretch.” He had her touch her toes, limber up her calves, and stretch out every major muscle group. He was very thorough.

She felt like she’d completed a full gym workout by the time they were finished.

“Next, we’ll loosen up with some jumping jacks and burpees.”

There’s more?She gaped at him, trying to figure out if he was kidding.

He wasn’t. He started jumping and counting.

Okay, then.She joined in and was completely out of breath by the time they finished the first set of jumping jacks.

When he immediately dropped into a burpee, she mutely followed. Her burpees were much slower and shakier than his. She squeaked out five and felt close to collapsing.

“Water break!” He abruptly stood and held out a hand to her.

As soon as she was on her feet, he pressed a bottle of water into her hands.

“Thanks,” she panted, fumbling with the cap. Her hand felt a little shaky.

Frowning, Shep reached over to uncap it for her. “When was the last time you ate something?”

“I, um…” She shook her head at him, because she couldn’t remember.

His frown deepened. “What about breakfast this morning?”

She wrinkled her nose at him. “Did you miss the part about how I accidentally slept in?”

“Man, Prim!” He watched her swig down half her bottle of water. “You’re gonna have to take better care of yourself if you’re serious about search and rescue operations. Even as a volunteer.”

“I’m serious, Shep.”

He studied her for a moment. “Then let’s get some fuel in you before we start our sprint intervals.” He waved her toward the cabin.

Her heart sank as she dragged her feet up the weathered porch steps. “That’s a fancy term for running, isn’t it?”

“Yep. When the dogs are following a scent, they often do it at a run.”
