Page 25 of Night of Mercy

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A moan slid out of her. She wasn’t any good at running and wasn’t sure if she was even capable of sprinting.

Shep reached around her to open the front door and ushered her inside ahead of him.

Though she’d visited before, this time felt different now that they were dating. His Uncle Caleb was kicked back in a leather recliner in the living room, with his long dark hair tumbling around his shoulders. Though a football game was rolling on the TV, he had it turned down. His eyes were closed, and he was snoring quietly.

“You aren’t the only sleeping beauty in my life,” Shep muttered as they crept past into the adjoining kitchen. His uncle shuddered awake as Shep’s shadow fell over him.

“Oh, hey, Prim.” Uncle Caleb’s swarthy features stretched into a welcoming smile. “How you doin’, kid?”

She clasped his outstretched hand and gave it a squeeze. “I can feel every muscle in my body, thanks to Shep’s drill sergeant routine. I might be dead before we get to the saving lives part of our training.”

“Sounds about right.” He snickered and sat forward, pushing a button to bring his chair to an upright position.

“I thought we were friends,” she muttered darkly.

The sharp look he gave her told her that Shep must’ve confided in him that they were now more than friends.

She blushed as she joined Shep by the kitchen counter. He had the fridge door open, pulling out cold cuts and condiments.

She stepped closer to hiss, “You told him, didn’t you?”


She unzipped her jacket as a rush of heat came over her. “Why?”

“Because he’s family. Plus, I knew it would make him happy.” He handed her a loaf of wheat bread. “Grab a few slices and slap ‘em on a plate.” He moved to the pantry and returned with a stack of paper plates, pulling one off the top for her.

She built a sandwich with thin-sliced ham and Swiss cheese.

Though she worked as quickly as she could, he bumped shoulders with her. “Hurry up and take a bite. Your hands are shaking.”

She nodded and bit into the sandwich. It tasted like the most delicious thing she’d eaten in years, probably because she was so famished.

“Have you had trouble with low blood sugar before?”

“A few times.” She didn’t want to think about it.

“Well, this is the last time it happens on my watch.” He wore an expression of fierce concern as she took another bite.

His kindness made a lump of emotion form in her throat. It was so unexpected and so incredibly nice to be dating a guy who actuallywantedher to eat. Her ex had been the opposite, making her feel guilty for every bite she put in her mouth. After their engagement, he’d notched up his criticism to the point of sheer misery.

“Thank you,” she mumbled between bites.

“For what?” He looked puzzled.

“For the sandwich.” She waved the remaining half at him.

“It’s just a sandwich, Prim.”

“I know, but it’s really nice of you.” His concern for her health was even nicer. Without warning, a tear streaked down her cheek.

Shep stared at her, stunned.

“I’ll, uh…just head out back to check on our supply of firewood,” Uncle Caleb announced a little louder than necessary.

He clomped noisily across the living room and out the back door without stopping to grab a coat first.

Shep leaned back against the Formica counter and folded his arms. “Talk to me, Prim.”
