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“Not with us giggling as we raced out,” she said. She should have thought of that more.

“Just another thing to add and cross off the list.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she asked.

“Not as much as I’m going to enjoy myself when we get to your place. You’re sure, right?”

“Very,” she said. “How fast can you drive?”

He hit the gas and took off.

They were less than two miles away when the red flashing lights came on.

“Motherfucker,” he shouted.

She burst out laughing. When he looked at her as he pulled over, his face was all flush. “It’s allowed at a time like this. You took the words out of my mouth.”

“Don’t hold this against me. I would never do this any other time. I’ll even call and apologize to Mac tomorrow. I promise. Just don’t think ill of me.”

She didn’t know what he was talking about when the officer made his way over.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?” the officer asked.

“Yes,” he said. “I was speeding.” He had his license out. “Dr. Mills. I’m on call and have been called in.”

She turned her head to look away so she didn’t start laughing.

The officer took the license. “Go on,” the officer said. “Try not to go too fast to get pulled over again.”

“Heard,” he said and put his blinker on and took off at a slower pace.

“Lying to an officer,” she said, clicking her tongue. “Do we need to add that to the list or have you done that before?”

“Nope,” he said. “Never. I hope I never need to, but you know, the fate of the island may rest in me getting to your house soon.”

She giggled some more. “What a story this is going to be for the future generation. I flashed a bunch of strangers and you lied to an officer to get out of a ticket.”

“Yep,” he said. “One for the books.”

He turned on her street and started the climb to the top of the cliff and then parked. They left their bag of towels and wet bathing suits in the back and raced to the front door.

Laine had her keys out and they were through the door in seconds, his hands on hers, and then the alarms started.

“Sugar cubes!” she shouted and ran back to the alarm system and punched the code in. She’d forgotten and never did.

“Do we have to wait for you to call this in? What if the police need to see if you’re in trouble? It’d be our luck the guy that just let us go would show up.”

She started to laugh even more and pulled him to her room. “Nope. We are good. I’ve got a twenty-second window to put the code in. They won’t do anything.”

“If you say so,” he said.

“My phone is in the car if they are trying to call anyway. No interruptions, but we’ll be fine.”

She was pulling him to the back of the house and her room.

She’d put her damp hair in a ponytail when she’d changed in the public restrooms. Her shirt came up and over her chest, her hair getting tangled for a second until she yanked and freed it.Her bra was next, just a simple pink cotton one to go with her pink shirt and tan cotton shorts that she’d had over her suit.

The suit that only had the bottom remaining of it now.
