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There wasn’t a dry eye in the place as she made her way down and married his cousin.

The minute the bride and groom kissed there were loud shouts from the fire department. The wedding party made their way back down, the kids returned to the car and went out right before Griffin with him holding the remote.

“That has to be the best wedding ceremony I’ve been to,” Laine said.

“I’ve been to my fair share it seems, but the way those kids came down put it over the top,” he said.

“Now it’s party time,” she said.

He leaned down to kiss her lips, saw a lot of eyes on them and didn’t give two shits about it.

“No,” he whispered in her ear. “That’s for later.”



An hour later, Laine was seated at her table with Carson, his parents, his siblings and their spouses. Carter, Avery, Carter’s siblings and parents were at a table to their right and she made sure she and Ava were next to each other and by Avery.

Adele, Brayden, and Josie were with Seth’s mother for the night. Normally she’d be the one to take Josie for Avery, but Seth’s mother had offered to keep the girls together so they’d entertain each other.

Other than Jace and Zandra, there were no other kids at the ceremony and since it was in a casino on a Saturday, it made sense.

It was a little after six at this point, dinner would be out soon she was sure, but she was having too much fun talking to everyone that made their way to their table.

“Hailey,” Carson said. “I expected you to be here earlier, but I guess you can’t run around as fast as you normally did.”

Laine knew Hailey Bond-Knight by name but hadn’t met her personally. The woman looked ready to give birth soon and not extremely comfortable either.

“J.B. is ready to make an appearance, but my doctor tells me it’s a few more weeks.”

“Once you hit thirty-seven weeks,” Ava said, “it can be a free for all. How are you feeling?”

“Like a beached whale,” Hailey said. “But as you can see, this little guy hasn’t dropped. Thanks to his Daddy’s genes he’s going to be huge they said. Enough about me, it’s so nice to meet you, Laine. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you too,” she said, shaking hands.

“I’m Rex,” the man next to her said, “and my wife needs to get off her feet. She isn’t making her normal rounds because I’m not ready to rush her to the hospital and deliver tonight. No reason to pull some of the doctors at the table away when her doctor in Boston has all the delivery plans.”

“That it is my cue to sit my butt down. But congrats to Carter and Avery too. I got to kill two birds with one visit.”

“It sure is a day of celebration,” Laine said.

She watched Hailey move off and met more people that she knew by name but they didn’t know her.

Avery was talking to Ava and mentioning how lovely the transformation of the room had been. She did have to admit it was classic, stunning and fun at the same time.

She didn’t know Jennie personally but didn’t get the vibe that Jennie was the elegant or princess type of woman, so though the gown had been stunning, it had come as a shock.

Twenty minutes later, the wedding party was announced and Jennie came in in a second dress, this one a lighter material with a lot of movement that hit her knees. It was still white and equally sparkly. Yeah, that was a party dress and she loved it.

“She wore the first dress for Griffin,” Lacy said. “I heard Alice saying that Griffin had been making a few comments about seeing Jennie as a princess on this day. It got back to Jennie and she surprised him with it.”

“That’s so sweet,” she said. “They seem to have a very close relationship. Being an only child, I never experienced that.”

She knew Carson’s family was aware of her parents’ situation. “Do you want a lot of children?” Lacy asked her. “I was an only child and wanted more than one for sure.”

“My mother had wanted a lot of children,” she said. “But it didn’t happen.” It could have, but her mother wouldn’t move on and by the time she met Stewart she suspected her mother couldn’t hurt her ex by having a child with another man. “Me, I’d love to have a few children, but it’s going to depend on when I start. I’m not getting any younger.”
