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“Not true,” her father said. “My mind will always be trying to create something.”

“I know that. But you spend more of your time running the business and making contacts and all those other things you enjoy.”

Her father laughed. “You enjoy talking to people too.”

“I love it,” she said. “I find enjoyment in shocking them when I don’t even try.”

Just like she wore her tiny bikini bodysurfing with Carson. She wanted him to see her tattoo before the first time they had sex.

Not that she thought he’d be put off by it but best to make sure his focus was on what it needed to be before he saw her naked the first time.

“You always did,” her father said. “What and when are you going to tell him about me? The truth? I’d like to meet this man.”

She knew this was going to be part of it. “He’s kind of busy,” she said. “And so are you.”

“A day trip isn’t too much to ask,” her father said. “It’s only an hour from Boston or Plymouth.”

“But when you factor in ferry rides it’s closer to two hours and working around the ferry.”

Though she could see if they could take a helicopter there. Her father had enough property to land. With it being Carson’s cousin, it was doable.

And it’d get another item off her list.

“If you want to make it work, you will,” her father said. “I’m going to assume your mother knows?”

“She’s known for a while,” she said.

“I expected as much. Was there a reason you didn’t want me to know?”

“I’d like you not to look into him,” she said.

Her father had a history of doing that. She understood in some aspects but hated it in others.

“Do you think I need to? It sounds to me as if he’s an upstanding member of the community. His family has long ties to the island and Boston.”

That was it. “You know some of his family, don’t you?” she asked. She wasn’t sure why that never occurred to her before.

“I don’t discuss business,” her father said. “Not unless you want to take an active interest in it. I guess it was my hope I’d have a grandchild someday that would.”

She snorted. She’d been hearing that too. “You’re young yet, but I’m not getting much younger.”

“You’re not,” her father said. “Like your mother, you said you wanted a lot of children.”

“There is always adoption,” she said.

“You’ll find a way to get what you want. You always do. Just like you’ll make this happen too. Get back to me with a time to meet Carson.”

“I will,” she said. She hung up after that. No reason to stay on.

She called her mother next.

“How was the wedding yesterday?” her mother said.

“It was wonderful. I had such a great time.”

“Were you out on the dance floor putting on a show?” her mother asked

She grinned. “You know it. I got Carson out there with me. It was awesome. He has no problem being the center of attention. Not that I was trying to do that by any means, but he’s such a good sport about everything.”
