Page 19 of Mercer

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“I’ll get us on the schedule. I haven’t been on it myself in ages.”

“Really? I’d love that.”

He gave her the nickel tour, then grabbed bottles of iced tea from the fridge. They sat on the couch, and when she said she wasn’t quite ready to go home yet, he offered to put on a movie for a little while.

She leaned against him as the opening credits rolled.

“I’m not ready for you to go home yet, either,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

She tilted her head and looked up at him, her eyes glittering with interest in the darkness and her sweet scent of arousal spiking in the air.

He could drown in that scent, all heat and woman.

“Rhomi,” he said, his voice deep and his lion banging around in his skull.

“You’re addictive, Mercer,” she said, slipping her hand behind his neck and pulling him close. “One thousand percent.”

“You are too, the sweetest addiction.”

Their lips met, and unlike the kiss in the parking lot, which had been tentative and curious, this was nothing but passion, from the first swipe of his tongue across her lips to the way the kiss deepened and made his nerve endings sing. Rhomi was everything he’d ever wanted in his soulmate, and every moment he spent with her made him thankful he’d been assigned to the security office. What he’d thought of as a boring day ahead had turned out to be the most amazing day of his life, and it was only getting better.

Someday, he’d win her heart and tell her his secret. He’d get to shift and show her his lion, let her pet him and hug him, and he couldn’t wait.

But for today, he was going to let her lead where they went. He’d gladly follow, however fast or far she wanted to take things, however long it took to claim her heart as his.

She pretty much already had his heart.

She was his soulmate, after all.

* * *

“Shit. Oh, shit!”

Mercer sat up out of a dead sleep, entirely disoriented and unsure where he was. It took only a moment for him to realize they were in the apartment and Rhomi was the one who was upset.

“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. He had a crick in his neck. He’d fallen asleep on the couch?

She shot from the couch, her hair matted on one side and her eyes a little wild. “It’s nearly eight! We fell asleep watching that movie and I have to start my job in like ten minutes!”

He wanted to tell her that it was perfectly okay for her to be late, because she’d never be fired since she was his soulmate, but he couldn’t exactly say that without explaining a whole lot of other stuff. Instead, he said, “I’ll grab you one of my shirts. There are new toothbrushes in the bathroom, and you can use my hair brush. We’ve got time; there’s a golf cart parked around the back of the apartments we can use to get to the office. You’ll make it, I swear.”

“I hate being late!” she said as she rushed to the bathroom.

“I know, I feel the same way.”

He hurried to the bedroom and dug one of his golf shirts out of the duffel he hadn’t had time to unpack, giving it a good shake to clear the wrinkles from the fabric. He hung it on the knob of the bathroom door and swiftly changed into jeans and another golf shirt. He’d be on patrol for the day, but he had to check in with Jupiter first, after he got Rhomi to the season ticket office on time.

Three minutes later, he had coffee brewed in travel mugs and was scrolling news websites when she walked out of the bathroom with his golf shirt over her black dress, one side tied in a knot to look like she was wearing a shirt and black skirt.

She looked amazing. His lion gave him a happy growl that she was with them. If he’d taken her home last night, he would have woken up alone, and that would have sucked. Even though it was an accident, he was still glad it had happened.

“Oh, coffee!” she said, giving him a one-armed hug. “You’re a mind reader.”

“I’m sorry we fell asleep. I don’t really remember anything after we kissed.”

She wiggled her brows as she fixed the coffee with sugar and milk. “It was a good kiss.”

“The best.”
