Page 60 of 12 Months to Live

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“Just trying to get a better understanding of what it’s like going through what you’re going through and what I’m going to have to go through eventually. In my own predictably clumsy way.”

Thinking that I’m using my own sister as a possible starter kit on cancer treatment.

“It continues to suck,” she says. “My oncologist is talking about other types of treatment going forward. Which, he says, will come with their own complications and side effects.”

I grab a clam with my fingers, dip it in tartar sauce, and almost defiantly plunk it into my mouth.

“So howarethings going in the trial?”

I grin at her. “As someone said recently, it continues to suck.”

I sip some iced tea, carefully place my glass on the table, push my plate to the side.

“I need to ask you something.”

“If you’re asking me why I never lost my hair, it’s a mystery to me. Hopefully some miracle of our genetic code. Whatever it is, I’ll take the win.”

“Not what I was going to ask.”

“Sounds serious.”

“Kind of. Why didn’t you tell me you were with Rob Jacobson at some point on the night those people died?”

She tilts her head slightly to the side, and frowns. “What?”

“You heard me, sis. Your immune system may be compromised, but I’ve never noticed any problem with your hearing.”

“Did Rob tell you that?”

“His wife, actually, not that it matters.”

“To me it does.”

She shakes her head.

“Well, whoever told you,” Brigid says, “it’s not true.”

“You’re certain of that.”

“I’m your sister. Are you saying you don’t believe me?”

“I guess I’m saying that I’ve always believed that you and Rob were more than friends. All the way back to college.”

“That witch he married has always believed the same thing. Well, sorry, but you’re both wrong.”

“If you were with him that night, you need to tell me, Brigid.”

“I’m telling you,” she says. “I wasn’t.”

“Brigid, I’m not here to judge.”

“There’s a relief.”

“But he has no alibi for that night, from the time he was seen eating dinner alone at the bar at Sam’s. You might be all he has.”

“If I was with him. Which I wasn’t.”

“If Claire Jacobson said what she said to me, she likely said it to other people,” I say. “And the district attorney will find out if she did.”
