Page 29 of Chasing Shadows

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IT DOESN’T TAKE long to fall into a routine in Blue Haven. I’ve been here for two weeks now, and my days consist of working the lunch shift at Patty’s while Harley’s at uni and Tom’s at work, and after dinner each night, we crash out in the loungeroom. The weather has been miserable,so the guys have kept the fireplace crackling, and we take turns choosing what to watch. Tonight is my turn, and I’m introducing them toThe Vampire Diaries. I cannot believe neither of them have ever seen it, especially because they remind me so much of Stefan and Damon Salvatore.

Harley is one hundred percent Stefan–the broody younger brother who has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He sits there with his sketchbook, pretending like he’s not paying any attention at all. While Tom is the devilishly handsome Damon–the quick-witted, flirty older brother with a mysterious secret. I don’t know what it is, but as someone hiding their own secret, I’m not about to pry into things he doesn’t want to share.

I can’t pretend I don’t enjoy the shameless flirting from Tom. I’ve never had any choice over my life. There were complications with my birth, and my mum was unable to have any more kids after me. Because of this, I was groomed to be the perfect daughter, who would one day take over her father’s empire. My friends were carefully selected for me, and I wasn’t allowed to date. I was also told under no circumstances could I lose my virginity–seeing as I would eventually be married off to another influential family to further the family business. My value would be severely diminished. I wonder if my father even spared a thought as to what might happen to me at the hands of the man he would essentially sell me to? At nineteen, I’m ready to take my life back–even if it means I can never be myself again.

“Why so serious?” Tom reaches over and tugs on a strand of my hair.


He chuckles. “You’ve been staring off into space for the last ten minutes, and your nose is all crinkled here.” He boops my nose, and something flutters in my stomach, though the feeling quickly disappears when Harley slams his sketchbook closed so hard it causes me to startle.

I stare at him wide-eyed as he gets to his feet. “I’m going to bed.”

Tom shrugs. “Night.”

Harley’s blue eyes land on me, and I shiver under his intense gaze. He looks like he wants to say something, and I hold my breath waiting, but he just shakes his head and leaves the room. A moment later, I hear his bedroom door slam shut.

I glance at Tom, and he shrugs again giving me a, “Don’t ask me”look. I turn my attention back to the television, but I can’t concentrate. The tension in the room has ramped up, and Tom has moved closer towards me on the couch. I swallow, tucking my hair behind my ears.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s got you so worried?” he asks.

“Just thinking about home,” I tell him honestly.

“Missing it? I know Blue Haven must seem pretty boring compared to Sydney.”

I shake my head. “I like it here. It feels good to just slow down. Things in Sydney were… intense.”

“Intense how?”

“It’s a long story.”

His eyes bore into mine, and for a second, I contemplateopening up to him. But it’s too dangerous. As if sensing my reluctance to talk about home, Tom speaks again. “It’s Harley’s twenty-first in a couple of weeks.”

“It is?” I blink in surprise at the change of topic.

“The twenty-seventh of August.”

“That’s the day after his next fight.”

Tom’s brows shoot up. “He’s fighting again?”

“He didn’t tell you?” He shakes his head. “He mentioned something about not wanting to get distracted. Maybe he wants to get a few fights under his belt before he tells anyone.”

“Yet he told you.”


“It’s fine, Lily. He’ll tell me when he’s ready.” Tom smiles to let me know he’s not mad.

“So, his birthday?”

“Right. I was thinking we should do something to surprise him.”

My brow furrows. “I don’t know. I mean, you know him better than I do, but I’m not sure Harley’s the surprise party type.”

Tom nods his agreement. “He’s not, but can you see him agreeing to celebrate his birthday?”
