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Tristan was starting to agree more and more with his dragon.

He caressed up and down her back, taking the time to learn the dips and curves of her body. He had yet to kiss every inch of her skin, but he would.

His hand stilled for a second before he resumed stroking his human. Yes, he would have her naked and willing in his bed every night, if he had anything to say about it.

Melanie snuggled into his chest and said, “This is nice.”

He laid his cheek against her hair. “I would say it was better than ‘nice’.”

Melanie laughed, the sound making his dragon preen. They should make her do it again.

But instead of teasing her, he said what he really wanted to know. “Come live with me. I don’t want you living with Samira any longer. I will take care of you.”

She lifted her head and gave him an assessing look. “Is this your dragon, your dick, or your human-half talking?”

I like her, his dragon crooned.

Tristan agreed. “All three, little human.” He moved his hand to her arse and took a possessive grip on her right, squishy cheek. “You belong to me, and I want the entire clan to know it.”

She battled a smile. “I should be offended at ‘belonging’ to anyone, but somehow, I’m not adverse to the idea.”

He growled and slapped her arse. “So is that a yes?”

Before she could answer, his mobile phone started ringing and he growled.Fucking fantastic timing, that.

Since it could be Bram calling about his sister, he reluctantly rolled Melanie onto her back, sat up, and took his mobile phone from where he’d placed it inside his boot. He saw the call was from Ella, another Stonefire teacher, and frowned. While they sometimes took their classes together on trips, she had no real reason to call him.

Curious to see what she wanted, he clicked the receive button and said, “Hello?”

Ella’s voice was filled with worry when she answered, “Tristan, thank goodness I got a hold of you. One of the teenagers had a run in with the dragon hunters and we need your help.”


At the ring of Tristan’s cell phone, Melanie just stopped herself from swearing out loud. She knew the sound meant the end of their little bubble of sex and teasing. Even if it was only a short call, it didn’t matter. Interacting with the other dragon-shifters might snap Tristan back into his grumpy self.

Her fear was only made worse when she heard him say, “Dragon hunters?

She stopped breathing, sat up, and listened with every cell in her body to Tristan’s side of the conversation. Would talking about the dragon hunters bring back his hatred of humans? Or, his initial hatred of her? After all, he’d been familiar with his hatred for far longer than he’d known her.

And if, indeed, talking about the dragon hunters undid all her hard work in getting Tristan to give her a chance, Melanie wasn’t sure she could start all over again. She wasn’t about to trap herself into a repeated cycle of niceness and hate. Even her resolve and stubbornness had limits.

Tristan kept his gaze away from her face as he finally said into the phone, “I can be there in forty-five minutes. Contact Kai and Zain to start putting together a rescue plan. But whatever you do, make sure the boy’s parents are watched at all times. The last thing we need is for them to go looking for the dragon hunters themselves.”

A few seconds later, Tristan clicked off his phone and stared at it. Melanie burned with curiosity, and decided to dare a question. “What happened?”

She steeled herself for a gaze of hatred, but when Tristan’s eyes met hers, they were neutral.

His look filled her with a small sense of relief. There was still a chance this could work between them.

He said, “One of the teenagers went out flying on his own into one of the restricted areas and had a run in with a group of dragon hunters.”

Melanie’s heart clenched. “Is the young one okay?”

“From what information we have, he’s still alive.” Breaking eye contact, he stood up and reached for his clothes as he said, “Get dressed. We need to head back.”

As she watched him pick up his shirt, she made a split second decision and said, “Shift into your dragon form and fly back. That way you can do whatever you need to do to help the teenager faster.”

He looked over at her. “I can’t leave you alone.”
