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Melanie looked happy despite her exhaustion. “I’m glad.”

Then another contraction hit and Sid said, “I know you’re tempted, but don’t push right now, Mel. I need to check the second baby’s position.”

Melanie gritted her teeth and clenched his hand. His dragon roared at the amount of pain she was in. Watching her suffer and not being able to do a damn thing about it tore apart both the man and the dragon.

Unlike with human children, dragon-shifter babies often died if the mother received any type of anesthetic, which ruled out both epidurals and C-sections. His human hadn’t had a choice but to deliver naturally or risk losing both of their children.

And given her personality, she hadn’t hesitated two seconds before agreeing to the natural birth despite the risk to her own health.

So far her blood pressure and toxin levels were within normal range, but that could change any moment.

No.She was his mate. She wouldn’t die.

He continued to caress Melanie’s cheek as the doctor prodded her protruding belly. When Sid cursed, Tristan’s dragon stood at attention. “What is it?” he demanded.

“The second baby’s breech. I had hoped she’d turn around after her brother came out, but apparently she’s being stubborn. I need to try turning her since it’s easier than delivering breech. Whatever you do, Melanie, do not push. Don’t do it.”

Melanie nodded and clenched her jaw. Tristan laid his forehead against hers and whispered, “Hold on, my strong, beautiful human. We’re halfway there.”

She let out a hiss. “You do this to me again and I will cut off your cock, Tristan MacLeod. Two children had better be enough.”

He would rather cut off his dick than suffer through this again, wondering each second whether she would live or die.

But right now, he pushed aside his fears. His mate needed humor more than anything. “We’re about to have two smaller copies of you. I don’t think I could handle any more mini-Melanies running around.”

She was about to scold him but he grinned and she gave a weak laugh. “An army of Melanies. That would definitely keep you on your toes.”

“And knowing your stubbornness, you’d say screw the odds and have more girls.”

Melanie smiled but then winced at whatever the doctor was doing to try to turn the baby. He kissed his beautiful mate. “To distract you, let’s try to agree on a name for our son since we still haven’t decided on one yet.”

And much like they had done for the past three months, they argued about baby names.

* * *

An hour later,Melanie was pretty sure she was going to die.

She kept falling asleep for a few seconds and waking back up again. The contractions kept coming, but the doctor kept telling her to wait. Then the nurse’s expression as she checked the monitor next to her kept getting worse with each passing minute.

If it weren’t for Tristan, she might have given up half an hour ago. But as he continued to caress her brow, her cheek, and her jaw, his fingers gave her the strength she didn’t think she had.

However, she was getting close to her limit. She wondered if Caitriona Belmont had felt the same way right before she’d died in childbirth four months ago.

No.She wouldn’t think of her friend’s death right now. Melanie wanted to live for Tristan, for their children, and most of all, for herself.

After riding out another contraction and seeing the growing worry on the nurse’s face, she decided to fuck it. If she was going to die, she wanted to know the truth. Her voice was weak to her own ears when she asked, “The nurse looks worried. What’s wrong?” She glanced to Dr. Sid. “And don’t lie to me.”

Sid replied, “Your blood pressure is rising and thanks to birthing one baby and not the other, the level of dragon-shifter toxins in your blood is getting higher than I’d like.”

She vaguely remembered being told that when under stress or duress, dragon-shifter babies in utero could release a toxin that she would absorb. In dragon-shifters, it caused mild nausea. In humans, it could kill them.

No doubt her little girl was stressed because of the long labor and at losing her womb-mate. She’d been alone for nearly an hour now.

Tristan squeezed her hand and said to the doctor, “You haven’t been able to turn the baby. Can’t you deliver it breech?”

Sid looked grim. “Yes, it’s looking like your daughter is being stubborn. I wonder where she gets that from.”

Melanie managed enough energy to smile and said, “Her father” at the same time Tristan said, “Her mother.”
