Page 20 of The Good Son

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Sawyer nodded. “She weaseled her way into going with us.”

J.T. looked at Jake. “Don’t worry. Just a few beers, some darts, and maybe a game or two of pool.”

Ember set down her fork. “Where are you going?”

“There are only two bars in town. So, The Corner Bar.”

“The one next to the café?”

“Yeah. On the corner.”

Ember laughed. “Aptly named, then.”

Jake put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple, then looked at J.T. “Have fun. And…you know.”

J.T. nodded. “We know, Dad.”

Lucy shook her head. “You’ve never had to worry about these boys, Jake. Don’t start now.”

“I’ll always worry about them, Lucy. It doesn’t matter how old they are.”

“You have been blessed with three wonderful children who are now wonderful young adults. And I’m blessed to have been…” She took a moment. “A small part of their lives.”

Jacob patted her hand. “They were lucky to have you.”

Genny dabbed at her eyes. “Don’t start. This is a celebration.” She lifted her glass. “To J.T. Happy Birthday, honey.”

“Thank you Aunt Gen.” He drank some beer. “And since it’s my birthday, I don’t need to do dishes, right?”

Jake laughed. “Ember and I will do the dishes.”

Lucy shook her head. “Nonsense. I’ll do them.”

Jake looked at Ember. “No. It’s okay. We actually enjoy doing the dishes from time to time.”

Sawyer laughed. “You can do them all the time if you want.”

“You’re not going to get out of washing dishes, Sawyer.”


After dinner, they all went to the living room to watch J.T. open his presents. As always, everyone was very generous, andafter the gifts, it was time for cake. Genny had made a beautiful German chocolate cake, J.T.’s favorite, and they all had a slice with ice cream.

When Lucy offered J.T. coffee, he turned it down. “Thanks, but I have the beginnings of a nice little buzz going. I don’t want to ruin it and have to start all over at the bar.”

Jake looked at Sage. “Are you going to be overindulging tonight?”

“No. I haven’t overindulged yet. I’m not going to start tonight.”

“Okay. You’re the designated driver. And if for some reason you decide to…”

“I know, Dad. We’ll call you for a ride.”

“Anytime. I don’t care how late.”

“We know.”

Ember patted his arm. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.” She looked at the boys. “Right guys?”
