Page 17 of Mystery of Magic

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Daryn stared at the pretty teenager. “And you feel that your mother is responsible for Alaric’s actions.”

Lana snapped her head up. “No, of course not.”

Daryn held Lana’s gaze. “Yet you wish to punish her for events beyond her control.”

Lana’s lip quivered. “No... I...”

Daryn put a reassuring hand on Lana’s shoulder. “What happened to you and your mother is awful, but hunters have to learn to deal with grief and loss. If you cannot put these events behind you, I am not sure this is the right vocation for you.”

Lana swallowed hard. “I apologize for my disrespect. I know my mother has my best interest as well as those of this town at heart and I will endeavor to be more supportive of her as head of the council and... as my mother. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”

Daryn nodded. “Unless Amalie requires anything else, you may return to your studies.”

Lana turned to her mother. “Do you need anything else?” Her tone held a hint of fear, but there was no animosity.

Amalie smiled. “No honey. That is fine.”

Lana nodded respectfully before Lochlan escorted her to the elevator. There was no mistaking the pride on the master’s face as he glanced at Daryn.

Once the elevator door closed, Marlin huffed. “Daryn you can be a right bastard, but you accomplished in one minute what I have been trying to do since the war ended.”

Daryn shrugged. “You’re building a relationship with your daughter. I am the leader of the hunters. And when it comes to who I choose for my ranks, neither you nor Amalie have a say in my decision. Lana needed to be reminded that she can’t hide behind her parents. Not even you. Alaric sheltered her too long and nobody ever died from a little tough love.”

“Thank you,” Amalie whispered.

Daryn clapped his hands to get the attention of the other hunters sorting through the debris. “We need the room for a few minutes. Take a half-hour break then come back. The pizza is fresh, and Kacy just put out a fresh pot of seafood chowder.”

There were murmurs of appreciation as the hunters made their way to the elevator. Many had dusty uniforms from their manual work, but all nodded to Daryn with respect before getting on the lift.

Daryn waited for the doors to close before turning back to the council. “Jacob, I appreciate you accepting your position. I know you were offered a seat in the past and chose not to... participate.”

Jacob shrugged. “Alaric was my best friend. There was no need for the two of us. Our families are close, and they prefer a unified front.”

I detected a hint of anger, and I wondered if Jacob was mad. He was forced to step into Alaric’s shoes. He was nominated by his family and had overwhelming support from the community,but his family had money and owned many of the buildings in town. Did he resent his former friend for the loss of his carefree lifestyle? Despite what Daryn said, I knew the truth. Jacob was practically forced into council duty. If his family was anything like Alaric’s, saying no was political suicide that came with being cut off from the family money. Still, I would rather have a council member who didn’t seek power than another Alaric.

Daryn glanced at the empty seats. “Lochlan will return after he escorts Lana upstairs. Where are Lia and Reginald?”

Amalie glanced at her phone. “They just pulled up. I called them as soon as you informed me you wanted a meeting. Lia was at the bookstore. We are using the old council chambers as an office where the community can petition. Lia has agreed to manage that for us since it’s close to the flower shop. She brought Reginald, as he is working at the bookstore in his spare time.”

Daryn nodded. “Lia told me she hired a new manager for the flower shop so she can oversee the bookstore.”

The elevator pinged before Lia, Lochlan, and Reginald exited the lift.

Lia pointed to her cream dress with a thick gold chain that accented her outfit. “Sorry, we didn’t have time for the robes.”

Reginald was wearing a brown suit that was a few years out of date and his skin was weathered, despite his smile.

Daryn walked over and kissed Lia on the cheek. “We don’t care about formality here. If you want to wear the robes, do so, but your loyalty and friendship are all that matter.”

Lia narrowed her eyes at him. “Flatterer. You just want some of my new meat pies.” She winked at me. “Are you really going to let him get away with this?”

I pursed my lips. “I like your meat pies more than he does.”

Lia laughed. “You two are perfect for each other.”

Reginald leaned toward Lia. “I admit I love your meat pies, too. I hope there is room at your kitchen table for me.”

Lia patted Reginald’s arm. “There is always room for you, Regie.”
