Page 18 of Mystery of Magic

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The second chair of the council and its new member Lia had become close friends since her ascension to council member. Reginald had gained the respect of the hunters and his fellow members when he refused to take the lead chair. He wouldn’t run against Amalie, and that had made her election practically uncontested.

Everyone took their seats at the table. There were still four empty chairs on one side and Daryn and I took two of them before Daryn leaned over the table with his hands clasped in front of him.

“We need to figure out who infiltrated the museum. They used an artifact. We are assuming the pendant of the Dark Witch has something to do with this, but it could have been any artifact. Perhaps even a spell that Magnus cast before his death. He had full access to the museum and its artifacts.”

Lia fiddled with the gold chain at her neck. “How do you trigger a spell after you’re dead? What powers it?”

Lochlan grabbed the pitcher of water on the table before pouring himself a glass. “I have been thinking about that. If Magnus set a trap, then he needed a power source. If he set it at the last council chambers, then it has to be the breach map. All council members are connected in a way, just not like Shannon.”

My eyes widened. “I could try to connect with the map and look for Magnus’ signature. If he used the breach map as a power source, perhaps he placed a hidden timer or some kind of trigger. But how would that have worked in the museum and not the council chambers?”

Daryn rubbed his chin. “Actually, if he set it at the old chambers then it explains why the museum explosion was so extensive. The museum and the council are both connected to the ley lines. We powered the museum wards with the same ley lines.If his intention was to destroy both and we removed one target by switching the gate’s location, then the power doubled back on itself. This may not have been a timer at all. It may have been a buildup of energy that simply had no outlet.”

Amalie nodded. “Shannon, I think you should check. We don’t need a repeat of the museum here.”

Daryn actually paled, as did every person in the room. An explosion of that magnitude under the base would destroy it and everyone in it.

“I’m on it.” I stood and moved closer to the map. I didn’t need to, but it was easier to focus on my breach magic when the council wasn’t staring at me. Well, when I couldn’t see them doing it, anyway.

I focused on my core and the ancient magic within. I was connecting with an old friend, one you could always trust. It enveloped me like a thick cotton blanket as I searched for any dark threads.

The bright lights within the breach map were like superhighways, but all were unmarred by darkness. “There is nothing here. The map is unaffected, but I have no way to check the museum. Not now. All I can say is if Magnus set a trap at the old chambers, all traces were destroyed when the museum exploded.”

As I began to sever my connection from the map, it flared in warning. A bright light flared behind my eyelids, and I screamed as it seared my soul.

I could hear Daryn calling my name and felt the cool table beneath my cheek, but it was as if a sonic boom had detonated in my head. There was no darkness, but I recognized the oily feeling as it washed over me. Daryn was right. It was necro magic.

“The pendant,” I whispered as I caught my breath.

Daryn was rubbing my back as the room came into focus. “Shannon, what just happened? The map flickered but there was no breach.”

I pushed myself to a sitting position as the room came into focus. “My powers were being affected. It was like when I had the pendant but not as strong. I think my breach magic acts as a buffer, but every necromancer is in danger with that thing on the loose. We need it found.”

“Is someone activating it?”

I nodded. “I think so.”

Daryn shook his head. “What is going on? Nobody should be able to activate that pendant except you or Caleb. There has to be another of Magnus’ bloodline, but how did we not know about them?”

Amalie’s body went stiff as she stared into space. Her lips moved, but the voice that resonated from her lips was not her own. “Shannon, there is a disturbance. The gods are being shrouded from this world. What has happened?”

I sighed. “The museum was destroyed, and they stole the pendant of the Dark Witch, along with various other artifacts. We are sifting through the rubble now. We were actually hoping you could give us some direction.”

Amalie searched the room, but I was sure Hecate’s reach went much further. “I cannot tell you what it is, but there is a void. To create a shroud that evades the gods is no simple thing. This is power cultivated from the underworld.”

“The king?”

Hecate used Amalie’s eyes. “I do not think so. It is different. It has the power of the underworld but resides here.”

I pursed my lips. “We have a theory that Magnus has a descendant we were unaware of. He had many children and if one had necro powers, then he may have hid them.”

Hecate was quiet for some time. “That is possible. Anydescendant of the Dark Witch could use her pendant provided they have necro ability. If the pendant has fallen into one of her descendants’ hands, this entire realm is in grave danger. Worse, I will not be able to guide you. Her powers were always shrouded from us.”

“Where is this void? We will start looking there.”

“It encompasses the entire downtown core. You should start your search there.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Hecate.”
