Page 19 of Mystery of Magic

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Amalie shuddered. “She is gone.”

I knew that channeling was different from when Hecate spoke to me in my mind. The god could not only use Amalie’s voice, but channel her powers through the head of the council. It was a rare gift and one that the council had erroneously considered weak. “It’s concerning that she can’t tell us what is happening, let alone who it is.”

Daryn nodded. “I am not sure Magnus had the power to block a god. Perhaps the pendant or another artifact is being utilized to boost the perpetrator’s power.”

Daryn tapped his hunter link. “Report.”

Luther’s voice echoed in the room. “We tracked down two Labolas, but we think one or two got away. I am not bringing demon carcasses through the portal, so please send another senior with a vehicle to retrieve us and the dead.”

“I already did. Rich is running your rookie team through the training gauntlet, and Derek is on his way to you with the van.”

“Perfect. Be back soon.” Luther cut out as Daryn turned to me. His face held concern.

“What is it?”

“There has been an incident. We need to go upstairs.”

“Was one of the rookies hurt?” I understood Daryn had to send the seniors to fight the Labolas, but that meant leaving the rookies with a level-two supervisor.

“He isn’t hurt. At least, not yet.” My heart stuttered as his voice dropped.

“Who is it?” I asked.



Daryn held the heavy metal door of the training gym, allowing me to pass before the clang of steel echoed through the cavernous space. My heart pounded in my chest, and a rush of adrenaline surged through my veins. It was just another day in this relentless world of rookie hunters, but now my son was at the center of it all.

The gym was a chaotic mess, filled with eager young hunters determined to prove themselves in our unforgiving, supernatural realm. They were like a pack of hungry wolves, ready to tear through any obstacle that stood in their way.

Daryn and I wove our way through the crowd, and my thick-soled boots echoed in the dimly-lit space. The scent of sweat and determination hung heavy in the air. My new leather jacket clung to me like a second skin, as my fingers tightened around the hilt of my Sica blade, though there was nobody here I would fight.

As I approached the center of the commotion, I saw Aiden, a young hunter from another rookie team. His jaw was set in defiance, and his hazel eyes flashed with determination. Standing toe to toe with him was Caleb, his fists clenched at his side.

The tension between them crackled in the air like lightningbefore a storm. The rookie hunters circled them like vultures, hungry for drama and excitement. Hunters craved a fight and young men were prone to skirmishes during training.

I cleared my throat, and all eyes turned to me. The silence was deafening, broken only by the faint hum of the overhead lights. Aiden and Caleb stepped back, their argument temporarily forgotten.

“Alright, everyone, break it up!” Daryn called out, his voice leaving no room for debate. “We’re here to train, not to brawl. Get back to your stations!”

The rookie hunters grumbled and dispersed, reluctantly returning to their drills and exercises. Aiden and Caleb exchanged a quick glance before nodding to Daryn, acknowledging his authority. When Caleb and Aiden turned to leave, Daryn held out his hand.

“Not you two. What happened?” Daryn asked. The young men were quiet for a moment.

I crossed my arms. “Daryn asked you a question. Answer him.”

Caleb glanced down, but not before I noticed the flicker of defiance in his eyes. “Aiden was acting inappropriately with Tara.”

Daryn turned to Aiden. “Is that true?”

Aiden grunted. “Hell no. I asked her out. Hunters pair with hunters. She said no, and I teased her a little. There was nothing inappropriate. It isn’t like she is anyone’s girlfriend.”

Daryn rubbed his forehead, and I could tell he would rather battle a pack of Labolas than deal with teenage-boy hormones. “Caleb, did Tara ask you to intervene?”

Caleb shook his head. “No, but she is part of my team. There is no way you would allow one of your friends to be treated like a piece of meat. Tara doesn’t like it.”

The mist swirled at Caleb’s feet before Sphinx formed by hisankles. She was in her domestic form, but if she was here, then Caleb’s emotions were getting the better of him.
