Page 54 of Mystery of Magic

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The drive back to the base mostly consisted of me leaning toward the cracked window for fresh air and I breathed a sigh of relief when we passed the barrier, that led to the hidden hunter base.

Daryn parked the vehicle quickly, and we both exited. He took a deep breath. “That was unpleasant.”

Indy and Kaine exited the hunter base.

“You brought me a present,” Indy said with a smile.

Daryn motioned to the vehicle. “You are welcome to it.”

Indy jogged toward the SUV, but once she opened the back seat, she paused and backed away. “What the actual fuck?”

“It’s a hybrid Haure,” I said.

Indy shot Daryn a dirty look. “You could have warned me it smells like a rotting corpse that’s been rolling in bear shit.”

Daryn grunted, “Be thankful you didn’t have to ride in an enclosed space with it.”

Indy grunted. “Fair point. Kaine, help me get stinky down to a holding cell.”

Kaine approached, but his nose wrinkled as he stood near theopen door and Daryn motioned for the creature to exit. He didn’t have to use the tether this time, as the haure hybrid seemed afraid of my parafinai.

Indy created a tether once the Haure was free of the vehicle, but I was sure it was so she could walk a foot in front of the hybrid.

Two young hunters opened the doors to the base before we entered, but their noses crinkled as the creature passed.

We walked down the dimly lit hallway of the hunter base, my steps echoing in the cavernous space. The black-clad military men and women parted like a river, making way for the creature in our custody. I could feel their nervous energy, their eyes darting to the restrained being as they whispered hushed rumors and exchanged anxious glances.

The creature was an affront to nature, a fusion of man and unholy terror. My black boots thudded against the cold, unforgiving floor as Kaine adjusted the straps of his tactical gear.

The hybrid in our custody, with its tufts of yellow fur and piercing, otherworldly eyes, seemed to sense our unease. It writhed against its restraints and shivered with fear.

The hallway seemed to stretch on forever; the walls closing in on me, suffocating in their darkness. As we reached the elevator, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead.

Daryn activated the elevator. “We will take it to the cell and see if Kranston can help.”

Kaine held back when the elevator door opened and allowed his twin to escort the Haure before he moved to the opposite side of the large lift. We all stood on the other side of the large lift as Indy shot us dirty looks. “Do you really think we can save that thing?”

Daryn shrugged. “No idea, but we need to study it either way. The dark witch is loose and we have no idea who is creating the hybrids or who helped her escape.”

“Basically, a clusterfuck of epic proportions,” Kaine said.

“Yeah. The precious council went to great lengths to hide that prison. They never wanted it found. I think we have hit a ten on the impending shit storm meter.”

The elevator dinged again when we arrived at sub floor three. We all allowed Indy to go first with her captive and followed her to the cells. There were only two hunters in the hallway and they stepped aside to allow us to pass with our prisoner.

The hunter jail was a temporary holding facility and Indy escorted our guest to the closet cell before holding her breath and removing Daryn’s silver cuffs.

She exited the cell and handed them to Daryn. “I recommend you do a cleansing spell on those.”

Daryn took them and I felt a slight pulse of power before he re-clipped them to his belt.

The haure started shaking the bars, testing each one, looking for weakness.

“It doesn’t actually think it can escape, does it?”

I stared at the clearly deranged creature. “I don’t think it knows what is happening to it. There appeared to be somewhat lucid moments where it appears to have some reasoning ability, then it shrieks at nothing.”

Kranston entered the holding area, his gaze locked on the creature within. It was confined in a high-security cell, but it was anything but contained. The creature’s agitation was palpable, its movements frenetic and primal.
