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‘Alpha, we have to find the luna,’Dr West said, and I paused, trying not to lose my shit.

‘That’s what I’m trying to do,’ I growled back. This was a waste of time. I closed the mind-link, but immediately felt Dr. West pulling at it again.

‘WHAT?’I yelled.

‘Alpha Markus, I got the results of the full blood panel we took from the luna this morning. She was one and a half weeks pregnant when we took the blood sample. She and Kara won’t be able to feel the pup until three weeks. We need to find her before she gets hurt,’ Dr. West hurried to tell me.

Atlas and I roared so loudly, the stairs shook. He pushed forward and jumped up, landing over the guardrail of the third floor. He went straight to where Alpha Geoff was arguing with the guards. I grabbed Alpha Geoff by the throat and lifted him as Atlas allowed me to take over again, satisfied that I would use whatever means necessary to find our mate, while he was unsure he wouldn’t kill him before we got any information out of him.

“WHERE IS SHE??” I roared. Luna Luisa screamed, and Beta Trevor tried to pull me off Alpha Geoff, but my guards restrained him.

“Where is Celeste?” I yelled. Alpha Geoff’s face was red, and I released his throat so he could breathe, but still held him against the wall.

“How the bloody fuck would I know where your luna is?” Alpha Geoff cried hoarsely, looking at Gillian and my father for help when they arrived with more guards.

“Your daughter took my mate. The stench of wolfsbane surrounds the area where the struggle took place. I followed her scent to your daughter’s room and found my mate’s shoes outside her window. YOUR DAUGHTER USED WOLFSBANE ON MY PREGNANT MATE,’ I roared at him, and I heard growls from behind me as they realized the gravity of the situation. “WHERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER?”

Alpha Geoff’s eyes tried to glaze over, but it didn’t last long enough for him to connect to anyone. He paled slightly, then looked at his luna.

“What the fuck did your daughter do. Where is she? I told you we should have taken her back when she ran off yesterday to find the bitch,” he growled at her. The meaning of his words didn’t escape me, and I roared again. My guards advised me of Celeste’s feeling of being watched at the mall. Sandra had already tried to come after Celeste yesterday, and they still brought the deplorable woman into my pack grounds. I watched Luna Luisa also attempt to mind link her daughter and panicked when she didn’t connect.

“I won’t ask again. Where the fuck did your bitch of a daughter take my mate?” Atlas and my voices roared together.

‘Alpha, I caught her scent. They are headed into the forest towards the river.’Danny’s mind-link came through as I waited for a response. I immediately dropped Alpha Geoff, turning to my warriors.

“Hold them in the dungeons where her cousin is being kept. Next to Levi. Daniel caught her scent,” I said and jumped out the window, tearing my suit as I shifted.

I had to find her. If anything happened to her or our pup, Atlas and I would tear the entire world apart in our rage.

Chapter thirty-five


IgroanedasIcame to. My feet hurt. It felt like someone had taken sandpaper and rubbed them raw. I felt weak, and my whole body was on fire. I tried to stand up, but my hands were tied with silver cuffs. My shoes were missing, and the back of my feet looked like they had been rubbed raw. I tried to stand up but was so nauseated that I fell back down and threw up.

“Oh, the bitch is finally awake. It was only a little wolfsbane. I had to drag you all the way out here myself.” I heard a voice coming from behind me. I turned to see Sandra, standing near the edge of the river bank, pointing a gun toward me. I frowned. A gun would hurt, but it was nothing I couldn’t survive. As if reading my mind, she said, “I wouldn’t think about running. The gun is full of silver bullets.” She waved the gun around a little before pointing it back at me.

I tried to mind-link, but the silver cuffs were preventing me from doing it. I couldn’t talk to Kara, but I could feel her whimpering while she tried to heal… my stomach? I looked down. I couldn’t see any wound there.

“My mate is going to tear you to pieces if he finds out what you’re doing, Sandra,” I said, trying to reason with her. I heard howling from a distance, and while I couldn’t tell how much time had passed since she jumped me in the bathroom, I knew they were already looking for me. Markus would notice I never returned fairly quickly. We were still within the pack grounds, judging by the river, so I only had to buy enough time for them to find me. She really didn’t think this plan through, but maybe that was a good thing for me.

“Your mate?Your mate? He should have beenmy mate!” she growled at me. “Why do you get an alpha mate? I’m the alpha female. You’re just a fucking slave. The Goddess made a mistake. She must have. Alpha Markus is supposed to be mine,” she growled, waving the gun haphazardly as she spoke.

“You might still find your mate. Maybe he just wasn’t able to attend your party?” I was trying to appeal to her common sense, but she looked pretty deranged, which was a little worrying. I looked at my surroundings trying to figure out if there was anything I could use to protect myself. She growled at my words and shot at the ground in front of me, making me jump.

“I found my mate. He was a lowly fucking servant from another pack. I killed him the moment I knew. I am of alpha blood. I do not have a common mate.” She looked behind me while she spoke and I saw the body of a young man looking up at the moon, a large pool of blood staining his chest. My heart sank when I realized she killed her own mate. How could someone be so greedy that they would kill half of their soul because they wanted an alpha?

“No. I will not have a common mate. I’ll kill you, then when Markus finds your body, I’ll tell him I got here too late but I managed to kill the man who murdered his mate. While he grieves, I’ll make sure that he takes me as his chosen mate. The way it should have been from the start. I tried to do it before the ceremony, hoping it would be me instead of you, but you were never alone in the mall. That stupid giant warrior was always with you. No matter, we can have another one. A better one without the stupid toys and stupid children running around and ruining everything,” she said. Sandra had lost her ever-loving mind.

“Markus will never take you as his mate,” I said calmly.

“Yes, he will!” she shrieked, stalking over and hitting me with the gun across the face. I felt the sting of her hit, and I tasted blood in my mouth. I growled and charged into her. Wolf present or not, I was no longer the same omega she had picked on and beat for almost twelve years. I struggled as I rolled off her, the damn cuffs making things hard. I used my aching feet to kick the gun out of her hand, thanking the goddess for the slit in the dress. When I tried to kick her again, she grabbed my foot with her claws, and I screamed in pain when I fell back as they dug into my calf. She jumped on me and tried to scratch at my face, but I put my feet under her stomach and pushed her off before she could. She shrieked and picked up a branch off the ground where she landed, stood and charged at me, but I scrambled out of her way when she swung and fell forward.

I heard the growls growing near, so I stood up and screamed, “I’M OVER HERE!” towards the forest. I didn’t realize how much that distraction cost me until I turned back in time to see she had picked up the gun and fired.

The next few moments felt like they moved in slow motion. I saw the bullet leave the gun and instinctively released a stream of fire toward Sandra, surprised my gift worked without Kara present. Before the bullet hit me, I felt something hard barrel into me. I landed on the floor with a grunt and heard a whine come out of the dark brindle wolf that landed next to me. A loud scream coming from the distance reached my ears, while Sandra was shrieking in front of me, her body covered in fire.

More wolves were approaching quickly, but I could only focus on Dash receding from the silver, leaving Danny in his place as he transformed back to human. He was breathing shallowly, and I pushed him to his back, seeing the bullet wound on his side, very close to his lungs. I didn’t know how to get the silver out of him. I didn’t know how to help him. I just put my hand over his wound and cried.
