Page 30 of Fire Wolf

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“Look, I know you want to help. But you can’t.”

“But you only just came home,” Sybil whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

Fuck. I hadn’t even considered that I would have to leave. That Harbor House could not be my home anymore. There was no way I could stay in Maccon City and risk running into Mitchell at every turn. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

“I’ll figure that out. You know I can’t stay here,” I replied, letting my own tears run down my cheeks.

“No. There has to be another way,” Nova yelled, and I knew she was mad.

Almost furious. Wind whipped around her, making her black hair fly this way and that. Sybil gasped, and I growled. Shit. We were about to have a full on magical fucking frenzy if I didn’t diffuse this shit.

“Stop,” I said.

But Nova was breathing too rapidly, and the air around her was crackling with energy. Sybil’s reaction was worse. Green scales started to pop out on her skin and if she shifted into her beast inside, well, the house would be fucking destroyed.

“STOP!” I roared, and power infused my command.

Both of my sisters covered their ears and bent their heads, averting their gazes while I tried to rein in whatever the fuck that was. They looked frozen in place, and that scared the shit out of me. The very air seemed to sizzle with power, and I was stunned and scared, but I thought maybe it was my emotions that were setting the scene.

So, I did my breathing thing again. My arms were already open, hands raised like Moses parting the Red Sea, and I lowered them, forcing myself to calm down. After a moment, both of my sisters were able to move. They looked at me, shocked but not angry.

“Wow, Marti. Did you just command us?” Nova whispered.

“She totally did. Oh, my God! You know what this means, right?” Sybil asked, and she seemed really fucking excited for some reason.

“What?” I asked, for some reason I was always late to the party.

“You’re the Alpha. We always figured you would be,” my petite sis added, and she was all but glowing.


“Sybil is correct,” Nova said, brushing her hair back with her fingers. “You’re our Alpha. The leader. The one calling the shots.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Witch Shifter Clan!” Sybil shouted and clapped.


“Witch. Shifter. Clan.” Nova enunciated like I was hard of hearing.

I’d heard her all right. I just didn’t believe it. My heart thundered inside my chest and the door opened and closed behind me. I couldn’t face Davian and Erryn just yet, so I continued to give them my back.

“You can’t leave us, Marti. You’re the Alpha of our Clan. We need you,” Sybil said, and something inside of me clicked.

“That’s right. We do. Besides, you and Mitch have to work this all out.”

“I-I, no, I mean, Alpha?” I whispered, shaking my head.

But it felt right. My Wolf growled and my power surged. Both sides of my being seemed to know this was the right place for us. I stared at the wall opposite where I was standing and flicked my gaze over the bookshelves and old pictures hanging up. Harbor House was my sanctuary, and it would be wonderful not to leave.

But what about Mitch? My heart hurt, the pain so bad I gasped as I placed my hand over my chest. Nova and Sybil stepped closer, and both put their arms around me. Any other time, I’d just shrug them off, but I needed them. The bickering and the arguments were nothing serious. Sometimes you had to shout to be heard in a gaggle full of girls. It was this, the comfort and support that my sisters gave me that I truly needed and loved them for.

We’d always been peas in a pod. The three Musketeers with Davian and Erryn cheering us on and helping us grow. God, I was so lucky. Even when I was in denial about who I was, they were there for me. Always having my back and letting me find my way.

How had I stayed away so long? New York was exciting at first, and different. There was no pack to hide from, and no one to call me on my bullshit. New York was easy. That was why I’d stayed. But look what I had missed? My heart was constricting so damn hard I could hardly breathe.

“Do you love him?” Sybil asked.
