Page 31 of Fire Wolf

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Love? I’d never thought I was the type of person to fall in love or have a mate. Fated mates were just fairytales, made up stories, they told little Shifters before bed. I never expected the Fates to pay any attention to me, and maybe they shouldn’t have. Maybe my heart wouldn’t be breaking if they had just left me alone.

My Wolf howled and the pain I felt from my powers hit me right in the gut. I gasped, but I could only nod. Nova squeezed my shoulder, and I knew she wanted to argue some more. But there was nothing to say. Alpha or not, I couldn’t hurt him.

“He might surprise you, you know,” she whispered.

“Even if he was fine with me being a Wolf and a Fire Witch, I couldn’t ask him to live like that. I mean, who would want a mate who could potentially burn the fucking house down every time she got angry, or happy, or horny?”

“That is a lot, but if the sex is good, could be worth it,” Sybil teased.

“Come on. Seriously, who the fuck would be crazy enough to want me in their life?”


The sound of a deep, masculine voice behind me brought all the hairs on the back of my neck standing straight up. I covered my mouth with my hand, body tensing, and tears pricking my eyes. Sybil and Nova released their hold on me, and I spun around.

When the front door had opened, I expected Erryn and Davian to be there, had even scented them. And they were there, standing in an embrace as they witnessed the entire drama that was my life unfold.

But I wasn’t expectinghimto be there. Seeing him standing not ten feet away, looking better than anyone had the right to, Mitchell Truman simply stole my breath away. His hair was tousled, and he had on a t-shirt and jeans, his boots unlaced. It was freezing out, but he didn’t have a jacket.

He smelled like fur and the elements, and that smoky, spicy scent that I loved that was all his and his alone. Had he run out in the cold after me? My gaze ran over him from head to foot, but I’d been avoiding his face. When I finally found my courage to look at him, I gasped.

Mitchell’s eyes were red and his frown deep as he stared at me with such longing and tenderness on his face. He held his hand out and for one second, I was completely frozen. Then I was running and jumping towards him, leaping into his arms. He caught me, of course, hands on my ass as he slammed his mouth to mine and claimed my lips in a kiss that rocked my entire world.

I barely heard the cheers and wolf whistles of my family as Mitch spun me around and around, kissing me until I forgot all my worries, all my cares, everything, and anything except him. Only him. My him.



The monster inside me was about to rip right through my skin if I didn’t make myself known. But I couldn’t. Not yet. Martina was in the middle of something huge, a moment of complete self-awareness, and there was no way I was going to interrupt her. Yeah, my heart had cracked a little when she’d run. Leaving me alone after a second and even better encounter that left my dick aching for her and my brain so fucked up, I couldn’t even think straight.

Fuck. She ran. Again.

The monster demanded my skin, and I gave it. Tracking her through the woods like a homing pigeon. But this was no ordinary hunt. Martina wasn’t some fluffy bunny I was chasing down, intending to gobble her up for a midnight snack. Not that I wouldn’t mind eating the woman.


But baser instincts aside, she was my mate. My woman. And I already gave her my bite. She belonged to me. Forever and always. I just had to prove I was the right man for her. The only man who could handle everything she could dish out, and from the sound of things, that was a whole fucking lot. My woman packed a powerful punch, and it was my favorite fucking kind. Fire.

Fire Witch. Wolf. Fire Wolf. Mine.

Davian and Erryn stood silently beside me, wrapped in an embrace I was so fucking jealous of I couldn’t even look at them. Martina had just showered, her hair was still wet, and the sweats and tank top she wore hugged her curves in ways I only dreamed about being able to do. Her back was towards me and I almost laughed at the joke the universe was playing on me.

If there was one surefire way to catch my attention, it was with that ass. Seriously, all that female had to do was flash her backside in my direction. Fuck yeah. She had the perfect ass. Perfect face. Perfect brain. Perfect heart. And I didn’t mean in the sense that she was better than everyone else. Martina was just perfect for me.

She was my mate. My everything. And the only thing I needed. Martina Harbor was without a doubt the one soul in the universe that matched mine. And after hearing her deepest, darkest fears and secrets, I knew we were a match in every single way.

My Wolf cried out for me to go to her, but a hand on my arm stilled my progress. I glanced down at Erryn who shook her head, beckoning me to wait. Good thing it was her who’d touched me. The female had always struck me as someone not to fuck with.

She nodded towards where Martina was in deep discussion with her sisters, and my gaze snapped back to my mate. I watched her shoulders slump and my heart pounded hard beneath my ribs. This was killing me. Watching her suffer was like the worst kind of torture. I wanted to go to her to soothe her and reassure her. I’d never expected to meet my mate, but now that I had, I never wanted to let her go.

Patience. Be patient.

I waited a beat longer, my fingers itching to have her in my arms once more. I wasn’t cut out for this waiting shit. I wanted her here, now. I needed to tell her she was wrong. That we could make it if she’d just give us a chance. Then she asked her sisters the one question guaranteed to make me break my silence.

“Come on. Seriously, who the fuck would be crazy enough to want me in their life?” she asked and fuck, my pulse started racing.

“Me,” I said without hesitation.
