Page 29 of Illegal Touching

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She pretended to pour from one of the tea pots before handing the cup and saucer to her father. “Could you pass this along to Mommy?”

“Sure thing, kiddo.” Rhodes stretched his arm all the way out and set the faux tea in front of me.

“You want sugaw?” Abigail asked.

I nodded. “Definitely.”

Harper handed me the sugar bowl, part of the giant set the girls had gotten for Christmas last year. With six girls and parents who got roped into tea parties on a regular basis, they had needed service for eight.

After pretending to dump a spoonful of sugar into my cup and stirring it, I took a sip and hummed. “Yum, this is delicious.”

“Our best tea yet,” Evelyn agreed with a nod.

Millie yawned and leaned into her daddy’s side. At two years old, she was the only one in the bunch who didn’t argue about taking a nap. When the three youngest were down, Evelyn and Caroline used that time to play quietly in their rooms while Harper usually read a book.

“I’d love to sit and enjoy this, but we’d better gulp our tea down so we can get ready for rest time,” I suggested.

One thing we’d learned early on was that it was easier not to actually call it nap time. We got less resistance that way, especially from the older girls.

“Aw, but I’s havin’ so much fun.” Abigail sniffled and puffed out her bottom lip in an adorable pout.

“And we’ll have plenty of fun later this afternoon,” I promised. “We’re going to the park to meet some of Evelyn and Harper’s friends, remember?”

She did a little dance in her chair. “Oh yes!”

“You’ll need your rest if you’re going to go up and down the slide eleventy billion times.” Abigail loved the slide more thananything else at the park, which made it the perfect lure to get her to go down for a nap without a fight.

“You heard your mom, girls.” Rhodes got to his feet. “It’s clean-up time.”

When he used his dad voice, our daughters knew better than to argue. They scrambled out of their seats and put everything away in no time at all. Then, while the girls rested, we had a party of our own. But we served orgasms instead of tea.

Curious about Gage? He finds his happily ever after in Spread Offense!
