Page 134 of One Wrong Move

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Andi reached out and took Christian’s hand, slipping her fingers between his.

Christian straightened. If Greyson said it was bad news, it was bad.

Greyson cleared his throat. “I heard back from the warden.”

Christian stiffened, his limbs taut. It couldn’t be.

“Ethan Poppin got out early on parole.”

Christian exhaled. Somehow, he’d known this was coming since he’d brought it up at the office. Despite all his reasonings for why it couldn’t be Ethan, something anchored in his gut told him it was. He just hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself. “How long ago did he get out?”

“A year,” Greyson said, draping his arm across the back of the sofa.

Christian rubbed the back of his neck. Plenty of time to plan the heists. At least they knew their opponent now.

“He’s supposed to stay in state ... in California, where he was caught and served time. He checks in regularly with his parole officer over the phone, but as we all know, he could be anywhere, as long as he makes that weekly call.”

“All right, that means ...” Christian said, trying to wrap his head around the facts.Focus on the facts,not the emotion coursing throughyou.Just the thought of Ethan being out brought back a rush of bad memories—of who he used to be.

“You going to finish that sentence?” Riley arched a brow.

“Yeah.” He raked a hand through his hair. “We’re going to need to think about this differently. Andi isn’t the motive. I am.”

“Agreed,” Greyson said.

Riley sat back, her shoulder resting against his arm.

“Sorry,” he said, going to move it.

“Greyson, you’re fine,” she said, and he remained, but stiffness overtook him.

Christian bypassed wondering about Greyson’s reaction and carried on. “Ethan and I planned our heists in juvie. Maybe ... I mean, it stands to reason he could have met his new partner in prison. And, if so, they probably spent their time planning this all out. You can do far more from the inside than you’d imagine—it’s quite frightening.”

“I’ll find out the identity of the man in the ambulance,” Greyson said. “If we’re lucky, he’s Ethan’s partner in crime, and we’re well on our way to breaking this case. But maybe he’s just another player. One sent to keep an eye on you too. If he was one of Ethan’s cellmates or ties to him another way, I’ll find out.”

“Great.” Christian looked to Andi, her hand still clutched in his. They needed to get Ethan back behind bars. He was no longer the man Christian had known all those years ago. He’d shifted to working with deadly partners. That wasn’t the Ethan he knew.

“Well.” Greyson stood and smoothed his dress shirt. “I imagine we should leave and let these two get some sleep.” He looked to Riley.

“Agreed.” She stood beside him.

“Ri,” Christian said. “I know we got the guy, but I worry about you in your house alone. We can all bunk up in the main house.”

“No need,” Greyson said.

Christian arched a brow.

“I’ll stay with Riley,” Greyson said, straight to the point as always.

“I don’t need anyone to stay with me. I’ve got my gun, and I’m a good shot.”

“Humor me. Let these two get some rest,” Greyson said, clearly trying to give them space.

“Very well,” Riley said. “But only because you’ll harangue me to death if I don’t agree.”

“Perfect.” Greyson smiled.

“We’ll grab you some of Deckard’s clothes, so you don’t have to sleep in your suit.”

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