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As I work, I realize Nicola hasn’t given any signs of leaving anytime soon.

“Are you planning on staying down here for a while?” I grimace at the thought of being watched. “I work better without any distractions. You can always get my findings at the end of the day, whatever they might be.”

Any promise of getting him his answers sooner rather than later makes the man stand.

“I won’t get in your way. I’ve been told of your skills and we both know how you’ve used them in the past.” His lips press in a firm line. “I hope the best when it comes to your search.”

Not wanting to imagine what’ll happen if I can’t give him the information he wants, I nod my head.

At least this is one hell of a distraction. One I desperately need.


“You’re going to burn a path in the carpet if you keep pacing.” Luca scowls in my direction, only because I’m blocking his view. “Will you sit down for a few minutes?”

I don’t take his suggestion. Hell, I hardly even hear his words. I’m too busy thinking about what is happening down below.Hourshave passed and after seeing Nicola abandon the underground rather quickly, I’m aching to defy my orders.

If I have an excuse to return, I can see if she’s still alive. That’s all it’ll take to calm my nerves and silence the voice begging me to go against everything I know.

If I go against Nicola, I might as well be abandoning Veronica. I can’t help her if I’m given a death sentence.

“Dante.” Snapping at me, Luca’s all but ready to abandon his seat to yank me down by the collar of my shirt. If I didn’t have fifty pounds and an extra few inches on him, he’d have already done it.

Sitting next to him, I run a hand down my face. Lately, I’m struggling to keep my inner thoughts in. Despite my outer appearance, I’m a weak man crumpling on the inside. Soon, they’ll all realize.

“We’re supposed to be roaming the floors.” Groaning against my fingers, I don’t need to look too far to see what’s caught the attention of the man next to me. “We don’t get paid to sit.”

“We’re both being paid to babysit. This is how I do it.” He scoffs at my side, frowning ahead. “If I get close, I’ll be as stressed as you are. No thank you. I’d like to save my youth as long as possible.”

I’mthirty-five. This bastard is forty. Youth, my ass.

Still, I get it. I’ve got my rabbit. He’s got the daughter of the Mariani family. We’re both a bit misguided. I’ve fallen for my woman, and I can guess Luca’s in the same boat from the serious way he’s watching the woman even now. Though, unlike him, I don’t want to keep a distance.

Veronica needs to be at my side. The kiss in the elevator cleared away the fog. I know what I want in life and it’s her.

She better not have a single hair on her head missing when I bring her some food from the bar. She better be all smiles. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’ll do.

Burn this place down with everyone inside. Use Nicola as the starter.

Fuck, what is happening to me? I can’t think this way.

Scowling ahead, I accept a glass from a wandering staff member. I need the mouthful of burning liquid to calm my unsettling thoughts.

Neither of us complains about our other half, not like we need to. We both want women who shouldn’t want anything to do with us.

At least his woman has a taste of what happens in the background. She knows what Luca is. Veronica got thrust into this life thanks to my need for revenge.

“Have you even spoken a word to her?” I ask, spotting the woman with ease.

Like Veronica, she’s got light-colored hair. She’s also got the same face as her crazy father. Hard not knowing who she is. Sitting at one of the slots, her brows are pressed together in pure concentration.

“Not a word.” He scoffs, shaking his head. “If Nicola wants me to humor her, then he should put a deadline on it. I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m not an entertainer. She shouldn’t even be here. She’s a risk.”

Despite having a decade of peace between all the surrounding families, it doesn’t take much to ignite a flame.

“We’re two sides of the same coin, brother.” Finishing my drink, I abandon his side. “Promised a life of suffering until the very end.”

I can’t sit here and I can’t willow with Luca. What I need is something to pass the time. Something like a conversation with someone more pleasant and not a reminder of my situation.
