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Chapter 5

Band – similar to a family except when you tease one, they might try to kill you


As I watch Indigo walk away from me, I debate ignoring her wishes and accompanying her to the meeting with the lawyer, but I know better. She’d slam the door in my face with a smirk on hers.

The devil cat pushes against my legs. I catch her before she can escape. I don’t care if she’s allowed outside, I’m not letting her loose to terrorize the neighborhood dogs.

My phone buzzes. I don’t bother to read the message. I know I’m late. But, unlike Indigo, I don’t give a shit.

Thirty minutes later I stroll into the recording studio. I’m surprised by how professional the place appears.Rotten Liesrecorded their last album here and they recommended the studio but I honestly didn’t believe it would be this nice.

The main reason the band agreed to record here is because of the anonymity. We’re exhausted from fans and groupies and need a bit of down time.

Don’t get me wrong. I know how lucky we are to have fans and groupies, but sometimes we need a break from it all.

The other band members are already in the studio. I wave to the producer and studio engineer as I pass them in the sound room before joining the band.

“Nice digs,” I greet.

“Easy for you to say,” Fender grumbles. “You didn’t have to listen to Gibson snore all night.”

Fender is the bassist forCash & the Sinners.He’s also a total grump.

Gibson throws a pick at him. “I don’t snore.”

I snort. Gibson totally snores. I’ve spent more nights than I can count wearing earplugs on the tour bus to drown out the horse-like sounds he makes when he’s sleeping.

“The women never complain.” He wiggles his eyebrows. In addition to being our rhythm guitarist, Gibson is a charmer. He can talk a woman out of her panties in two seconds flat. It’s true. We’ve timed him.

“I slept fine,” Dylan says before an argument between Gibson and Jett can break out over who is the bigger womanizer. As if being a womanizer is something to be proud of.

Jett laughs. “Probably because I slept elsewhere.”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. I have no intention of listening to Jett’s exploits. Jett is our drummer and never met a dare or a woman he didn’t like. Someday it’s going to get him in trouble. Lord help us all when it happens.

“Enough,” I growl. “We’re here to record an album not sleep with every available woman over eighteen in town.”

Gibson smirks. “The age of consent in Colorado is seventeen.”

I cock an eyebrow. “But at what age does a dad stop aiming a shotgun at men who corrupt his daughter?”

Dylan bursts out laughing. “You’re the only one who experienced a dad with a shotgun.”

I glare at him. He’s my best friend and the best damn lead guitarist I could ask for but he knows better than to bring up my past with Indigo.

Except… maybe Indigo isn’t my past. Maybe she can be my future. I shake my head. No way. She deserves better than me.

“Are we going to record an album or are we going to sit around all day and gossip like a bunch of old ladies?”

Jett raises his hand. “I vote for gossiping.”

Of course, he does. He wants to tell us all about his night. The man thinks the phrase ‘don’t kiss and tell’ should be ‘kiss and tell’. If I hear one more description of a woman’s tramp stamp, I’m going to shove his sticks up his ass.

The mic squeaks before Stan, our producer, chimes in, “We don’t have this studio forever.”

Fender gives him the middle finger. Stan ignores him since the middle finger is Fender’s favorite and he doesn’t hesitate to use it.
