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Ugh. I’m an idiot. How am I supposed to keep Cash out of my heart when I let him into my body? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


Katy Purry stares up at me from her spot on the floor. She cocks her head and I swear her eyebrows lift in condemnation.

I wag a finger at her. “Don’t you start with me.”

Cash groans and rolls away from me. Perfect. Without his arm draped over my waist, I can sneak out and he’ll be none the wiser. I lift the blankets and scooch out of bed.

I dress as fast as I can before escaping the bedroom. Once I’ve taken care of business in the bathroom, I follow my kitty to the kitchen to feed her.

“What am I going to do?” I ask her.

She doesn’t respond as she continues to devour her breakfast.

“How am I going to face him? We have to live in this house together until he finishes the album.”

I groan and bury my face in my hands. Why did I ever agree to let him stay here? Stupid lease agreement. Who was I kidding thinking I could keep my hands off of him? The man is irresistible. There’s only one way to resist him. Keep my distance.

Perfect plan. I’ll make myself scarce whenever he’s around. Starting with now. I march to the front door. But when I open it, Katy Purry protests.

“Shush, kitty.”

She doesn’t shush. In fact, she gets louder.

“You can’t come with, you little terror.”

The floor creaks above me. Oh no. Cash is awake. I need to get out of here now.

“Sorry, kitty.”

I hold her back with my foot while I sneak out the door.


In response to Cash’s yell, I increase my pace until I’m speed walking down the sidewalk toward Main Street. I nod at a woman as I pass her. She tugs on a leash and I smile down at her… goat? She’s walking a goat on a leash? I rub my eyes to clear them but there’s still a goat on the sidewalk.

“Come on, Pan. I promise we won’t go to my sister’s house.”


“I didn’t mean Juniper. I know you love Juniper more than you love me.”


“I’m not trying to guilt trip you.”

I place a hand over my mouth to stop my giggle from escaping.

The woman sighs. “Go ahead and laugh.”

“I’m not trying to make fun of you but you’re seriously having a discussion with a goat.”

“Because someone’s not listening.” She glares at the goat before addressing me. “I’m Gabrielle.”

“Hi, I’m—

“You’re Indigo, Saffron’s granddaughter.”
