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He doesn’t respond but there’s another arrow pointing to the roof.

“What if I’m afraid of heights?”

He peeks over the ledge. “You never used to be afraid of heights.”

“I also used to be a dumb teenager.”

“You were never dumb.”

I roll my eyes. “Argue about how idiotic teenagers are later. Help me now.”

He reaches down and I grab his hand before scrambling out of the window and onto the roof.

“You’re lucky I didn’t have to climb a tree,” I grumble as I brush dirt off of my interview slacks.

“You never minded when I had to climb trees.”

“Because I knew your inflated ego would cushion your fall if necessary.”

He chuckles before leading me toward a blanket and helping me to sit.


I open my arms wide to indicate the great outdoors we’re currently in. “Where are you going to get champagne?”

He motions to a picnic basket I hadn’t noticed.

“We’re having a picnic on the roof?”

“Remember when we used to spend hours sitting on the roof outside your window because your mom didn’t like me.”

I scowl at the mention of my mom. I’m still reeling from Cash’s revelation of what she did. Of how she broke us apart. Mom has always tried to control me but blackmailing my boyfriend to dump me? She went too far.

But I don’t want to think about Mom and how she doesn’t love me no matter what I do when I’m alone with Cash.

“She was probably being overprotective of her little girl.” I hate how my words sound as if I’m defending her.

Cash waggles his eyebrows. “I did deflower you.”

“Deflower?” I giggle. “I don’t remember there being any flowers.”

“Because I’m an idiot. I should have given you flowers and taken you to a hotel for our first time.”

I raise my eyebrows. “You didn’t enjoy the flatbed of Dylan’s truck?”

He groans. “I had rugburns on my knees for days.”

I tap my chin. “Are they rugburns if there wasn’t a rug?”

“Stop being a pain or there’ll be no champagne for you.”

I clasp my chest. “Oh no. No champagne. Whatever shall I do? I cannot drink the peasant’s water.”

“Smart ass.”

He hands me two flutes before popping the champagne bottle open and pouring the bubbly liquid.
