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“From the moment I saw you, I knew you would be mine. You haven’t been easy to get my hands on with that meathead you are always around, but he’s off in Mexico chasing a ghost, and now you are mine. Well at least for a while. When I tire of you, I’ll send you off like all who came before you.” He cackled as if he thought what he said was funny, and Samantha concentrated on the sound of his voice. She had heard it before, but she couldn’t quite place it.

“Hey, bitch, I’m talking to you.” She saw his feet as he walked closer, and before she had time to process his words, he drew his leg back and kicked her in her right side. The pain was excruciating and took her breath away. She looked up. It only took a moment to bring back the memory of where she had seen that face before. It was that night in the club. She would never forget what happened because of the punishment that followed. What she couldn’t remember was his name. Did Derrick know what this man was capable of?

“Cat got your tongue?”

“Who the fuck are you, and what am I doing here? Let me go.” So much for remaining calm. Stark fear was ruling her now because she knew without a doubt if she didn’t find a way out, she would wish for death long before it came.

He reached back and punched her, landing on her right cheek and nailing her in the eye. She immediately felt nauseated and retched, though since her stomach was empty, nothing came up.

“Who do you think you are talking to, you stupid cunt? It’s time you started to understand your new reality. You belong to me. I will use you in any way I choose, and you can’t do shit about it.” He punched her again. This time her nose cracked, bringing tears to her eyes.

He loomed over her before placing his booted foot on her chest and pressing down. “Why are you doing this to me?” she whispered more to herself than to him. Any answer he gave wouldn’t make her feel any better about her situation.

“I told you. You’re mine. It is that simple. This body is mine, and I think now is as good a time as any to start playing with my toy.” He smiled, flashing perfectly white and straight teeth. This was no simple thug.

She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind because he had moved to straddle her legs, and she knew she was about to be raped. She screamed and kicked her legs with all the strength she had. One kick landed on her target, and he grabbed his crotch, giving her the opportunity to bring her leg up again kicking him in the nose. The satisfying crunch pleased her for a split second before she realized this would just piss him off even more.

He lifted his booted foot and brought it down on her stomach. Before she was able to catch her breath, he stomped on her left forearm. She heard the crack before the pain made her scream. She tried to pull her arm toward her body, shrieking in agony. The chains didn’t allow movement, and every time she attempted to pull, the pain in her right arm worsened.

“Shut up, bitch.” He closed his hands around her throat and choked her. She wondered if this is what it felt like to die, but she couldn’t give up. Derrick would come for her, no matter how long it took.

“You’re gonna regret that, you stupid slut.” He tightened his grip until she gasped, writhing under him. She needed to fight, but that fight was quickly going out of her. Before she could form another thought, her world again went black.

* * *

The two-and-a-half-hour flight seemed to go on forever, and Derrick continued to research the entire time. What he was able to find worried him. The more he dug, the more disgusting the information he found. Kyle was not only responsible for selling women but also appeared to run an adoption ring using kidnapped infants. This was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Drugs, babies, women. No matter how vile, if it could make him money, he seemed to be involved in it. Derrick only wished he had been able to find this in time to prevent Samantha from being on his radar in the first place.

Before he landed, he received an email from Dean. He had found the homes Carlos had told him about buried under several dummy corporations. Kyle had some smart people working for him, but Derrick was smarter. He knew in his gut his woman was at one of the houses Dean found. The only problem was he had no clue which, and he didn’t have time to search each one.

Derrick was out of his seat, bag in hand, before the plane stopped rolling. Once they opened the door and let down the stairs, he looked out and saw two different groups of people waiting for him. To his right were several men in black suits looking like they stepped out of a spy movie.How on earth are they training these guys these days, they stick out enough that a blind person would be able to peg them as on the job.To his left were his friends. Of course, all four were there just as Matthew had promised.

First, he headed for his Team. Though he recognized a few of the faces, he didn’t really know any of them well. The ones he usually worked with were still in Mexico, having left it to Derrick and the new Team to do what needed to be done in Texas.

The lead guy stretched out his hand. “I’m Thomas. Dean sent us the addresses, and we were able to clear one of the homes, leaving two possibilities where the unsub may have taken Dr. Gardner.” He placed his laptop on the hood of the SUV they stood beside while Matthew, Ian, Alex, and Jake approached. “Excuse me, gentlemen, but you need to take a walk.” Thomas placed his hand on his gun in his holster while talking to his friends.

“They’re with me. There is nothing you are going to say they can’t hear. So cut the shit and show me what you need to so we can find Samantha.” Even he could hear the growl in his voice. He jammed his fists in his pockets because all he really wanted to do was hit something or someone.

Thomas pointed to the map on his computer. “We cleared the house north of town, but these assholes are smart as fuck. We found tunnels under the home and lawn that come out off the property. It didn’t look as if anyone had been there in a while though. So that leads me to the other two properties Dean found.” He went on to show them where the other two houses were along with aerial photos of each one.

Derrick knew where Samantha was being kept the moment he saw the picture. His gut never steered him wrong, and he was sure it wasn’t this time, either. “I’m taking the one on Carson Road. I’ll take five of you with me along with them.” He nudged his head toward his friends who were standing silently to the side.

“I’m not authorized to allow civilians on this mission—” Thomas started.

“I didn’t ask for your authorization, and I didn’t ask for your opinion, so get on board or get the fuck out of my way.” He turned to the car his friends had arrived in while they followed quickly.

“Dude, you’re a total badass. I’m pretty sure that guy just shit his pants.” Leave it to Jake to be a smart-ass at the worst possible time. “And what is with all the black suits? I swear I thought they were auditioning for a newMen in Blackmovie or something.”

Matthew punched him in the shoulder. “Seriously? Do you ever take anything seriously?” He slid into the passenger seat, shaking his head at his friend.

“Of course, I do. Like, for instance, I am seriously ready to go kick this fucker’s ass for thinking he could lay his hands on one of our subs.” He climbed into the back seat while Derrick started the engine and the other two got in the back with him.

That is what Derrick liked most about being a part of this crew. They were as protective of his woman as he was. A true Dom would do whatever it took to protect the submissive in their care. It didn’t matter if the sub belonged to another Dom, they meant something to all of them.

“Listen, guys, I appreciate you all coming and putting it on the line for my Red, but this is a dangerous situation. We don’t have a fucking clue what we’re going to find when we get there.”

“What made you pick that house?” Ian completely ignored his comments.

“My gut tells me it is where she is.” He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.
