Page 14 of Only a Kiss

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Which left me with no other choice than to do this face-to-face, which she deserved, even if it meant facing my greatest temptation again.It didn’t help that her apartment only held memories of the way her body felt under mine, the tight clasp of her pussy as she squeezed me until she wrung me dry, the feel of her mouth on my dick, the taste of her pretty pink pussy that was glistening before I even licked her.The whimpers, moans, and screams she made as I fucked her with everything I had.

My cock twitched in my pants as soon as I parked outside her apartment like some fucking Pavlovian response, and I squeezed my eyes closed, giving myself a pep talk about keeping my shit together.I needed to be stronger than this if I was going to survive this interaction—or any future interaction with her for that matter.

I’d mentally prepared myself for seeing her, but as the door swung open, I realized I’d made a fatal flaw.There was no way to prepare for the lust and the memories that slammed into me as soon as she was standing in front of me, her gorgeous blue eyes watching me cautiously, her blonde hair in a messy ponytail, and wearing an oversized sweatshirt that hid the body I’d traced with my tongue.

She leaned against the door in a way that seemed both posed and casual, but her shoulders were high and tight, giving away her tension.Neither of us spoke as our gazes locked on each other, and energy crackled between us until my body felt strung so tight it was on the verge of exploding.The tension grew thick in the air as her eyes turned dark and her gaze hungry.

My heart rate accelerated and my palms grew sweaty as I fought the urge to shove her against the doorframe and ravage her mouth again.

Taste her sweet pussy on my tongue.

Bury myself so deep inside her, it’d be impossible to know where she ended and I began.

She bit her lower lip, and any resolve I had crumbled.We surged forward at the same time, mouths clashing, hands fumbling with clothes as I moved her back inside her apartment and kicked the door closed.She shoved me back against it, her hands pressing on my chest while her tongue glided against mine with a desperation that left me hard and aching for her.

I pulled away just enough to say, “We shouldn’t be doing this,” before my hand slid in her hair and I pulled her mouth back to mine, kissing her breathless.

In between kisses she said, “I know, but I can’t stop.”

I kissed her harder as my hand made its way over her breast, squeezing just enough to elicit a moan, before continuing down her body until I slid inside the waistband of her yoga pants, under her panties, and slid my fingers against her slit.

Fuck me, she was soaking already.

“Goddammit, Sadie.What are you doing to me?”What was this fucking power she held over me that turned me into a mindless, needy beast?

“Whatever it is, you’re doing it to me too,” she said on a breathy moan, grinding her wet pussy against my hand and letting out mewls that made me harder than I thought was possible.

I didn’t come here for this—the exact opposite, in fact—but fuck if I could stop.She felt so good, her toned body flush with mine, her lips matching mine kiss for kiss, and her pussy clenching on my fingers like she’d been aching for me.No one had ever made me feel this way—so powerful and wanted—and it was painfully addicting.

With a cry, her body stiffened and then convulsed as her orgasm hit her.I could feel her thighs shake, and I held her tight around her waist, keeping her up against me as I eased my fingers out of her heat.

Her hands came up to hold my face as she kissed me so sweetly, my heart stuttered to a near stop in my chest.It was bad enough we couldn’t seem to stop touching each other, but her tenderness made me want so much more than I could ever have with her.Sex was bad enough; a relationship was an entirely different problem.

When she pulled back from the kiss, her dazed eyes focused on mine.

“That’s not why I came here,” I said.

“I didn’t think it was,” she said.“But I can’t be sorry it happened either.”

Collecting myself, I took a step back from her.Space was good.

Space might be the only way I could get through this.

“I came because I thought you deserved a face-to-face conversation.I shouldn’t have left yesterday morning the way I did.Not after what happened—what we did.”

Her eyes narrowed.“What we did?”I couldn’t quite pick up on her tone.It wasn’t accusatory, but it wasn’t completely composed either.Regardless, it put me on edge.

I rubbed my hand over my jaw, which was a mistake because I could smell her on my fingers, and it made the ache for her worse.I could remember in vivid detail how good she tasted, but I really needed to not be a pervert right now.

“The other night—it shouldn’t have happened.”

Hurt flashed across her face, but then she lifted her head almost regally and stood tall, confident, and sexy as fuck—although I didn’t think that last one was her intention.

“So you came over here to tell me you regret that we had sex, but decided you wanted to finger bang me before discarding me like it meant nothing?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but there was so much to break down from what she said, and I was still reeling from what just happened.

Did I regret that we had sex?No.I regretted that it was a betrayal to my daughter and the faith and trust she’d always put in me, but I couldn’t regret the actual act itself.Especially not when it was the best night of my life.But I definitely couldn’t tell Sadie that.It would only hurt her further when I had to follow it up by telling her we could never do it again.
