Page 62 of After the Snap

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“Her. Plain and simple. To be worthy of her.” I glance up at him. “And to be on the Wolves too, of course.”

His lips tip up in a grin. “Of course.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “The love of a good woman can be a powerful motivator. I’m not immune to it, so I get it.

“I’m not going to lose her, and I know if I were to continue to be who I was, I’d lose her completely.” I lean forward, mirroring his pose, but with my elbows resting on my spread knees instead of his desk. “I’m done being that guy.” There’s no doubt in my voice. “I should’ve been done months ago, but I couldn’t seem to get out of my own way.”

“I’m happy to hear that, Dom. You’re one of my strongest players, and I would hate to lose you.” He points a finger. “Now don’t let that go to your head.”

I chuckle. “I won’t, Coach.” Sobering, I say, “Thank you. For giving me a second chance. I know I probably don’t deserve it, but I’m grateful for it.”

“We all make mistakes. As long as you learn from them, then it’s not a second chance wasted.”

“No, it’s not.”

This is a second chance I’ll never take for granted. We both stand and he comes around his desk and offers me his hand. I shake it, thank him again, and then exit feeling lighter than I have in weeks. Maybe even years.

For the first time in a long time I have a purpose that is more than football. I want to be a man who makes Laney proud, not embarrassed.

Instead of going straight home to Laney, I stop by a jeweler I researched when I got back from Idaho, and after half an hour, I walk out with a ring in my pocket and hope in my heart.


The door is barely closed before Dom shoves me against it and ravishes my mouth.

“Fuck, I’ve been dying to kiss you all night,” he murmurs as he starts working his way down my jaw to that sensitive spot on my neck that makes my clit hum with pleasure.

“What stopped you?”

We were at another sports dinner tonight, this time for ESPN.

“Too many cameras,” he says as he lowers to his knees and pushes my dress up my thighs. “God, I love these thighs.” He grips them tight and then buries his head between them, sucking on the lace fabric of my panties. My hands fly to his hair as I tilt my head back, my stomach tightening when that hum turns into a full-on throb.

“This is just for me,” he says, his voice deep and husky.

What were we even talking about?

He pulls back, his eyelids heavy with lust. “I’ll happily parade you all over the fucking country—hell, the whole damn world—but your lips, every inch of your glorious and perfect body, are just for me.”

He keeps his gaze locked on mine as he dips his tongue between my legs, flicking on my pulsing clit. I gasp at the sensation and watch every movement of his tongue, memorizing the image of him looking at me with hunger, possession, and so much love it makes me melt.

He slips a finger inside me as his tongue continues to drive me higher, my legs beginning to shake while I fight off my orgasm.

“Oh God, you’re so good at this.”

He hums, the sound vibrating against my clit at the same time that he wraps his lips around it and sucks hard. He slides a second finger inside and rotates his wrist so his two fingers are hitting me at a new angle, which combined with him sucking on my clit has me seeing stars as I toss my head back against the door and cry out, coming hard.

He eases me through my orgasm like he always does until it completely ebbs away, and then he sweeps me up in his arms, kissing me while he carries me down the hall to his room. He doesn’t break our kiss as he lays me down on his bed, fitting his body between my legs and running his fingers through my hair.

“You have too many clothes on,” I mumble, my fingers already moving to the buttons on his white shirt. He nearly had me drooling when he took his suit jacket off earlier and rolled up his sleeves, showing off the thick veins of his forearms.

God, I’ve always been a sucker for his arms.

He’s not the only one who’s been holding back all night—I didn’t think I’d be able to stop myself if I started kissing him. He’s the only man who’s ever made me feel both grounded and a little out of control when it comes to how badly I want him all the time. It can’t be healthy.

I finish unbuttoning his shirt, and he helps take it off while I move to the button and zipper on his black pants. I pause for a second, eating up the sight of his toned stomach and clearly defined six pack. Unable to stop myself, I lean forward and lick a path up the divot in the middle, loving the way he sucks in a sharp breath and his stomach tenses. My gaze shoots to his, and the desire in his eyes undoubtedly matches my own.

His fingers slide into my hair before he grips it and pulls me back, not enough to hurt, but enough to tell me he’s in charge.

He leans down, his lips a breath from mine. “You have no fucking clue what you do to me, do you?”
