Page 23 of Terror

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“You do what you have to in order to save our baby,” Quinn says, her voice full of determination and strength.

“Okay. I’m going to go talk to your doctor and fill her in on what’s going on. You want me to take the lead on this?” she clarifies with Quinn.

“Yes. Wicked doesn’t trust anyone but you. So, I’d like you to take the lead and only bring in the doctor I’ve been seeing if it’s absolutely necessary,” she answers as another contraction hits hard and fast.

Doc leaves us alone in the room as Brick and Steel enter behind Harley. The three of them rush to the side of the bed and fuss over my wife as she relaxes back into the pillows. I cover her up with the blankets now that she’s not being checked out by Doc. Harley is firing one question after another at her while we wait for the next contraction to hit.

“Did you call your parents, Wicked?” Steel asks me while resting a hand on Quinn’s leg.

“Yeah. Dad said they were on their way and hung up.”

“Okay. I’ll let Venom know so they can be on the lookout. They’re wrappin’ up business and will be here as soon as they can. The ol’ ladies are in the waitin’ room with the guys we left behind. I have a feelin’ it won’t just be Gage and Riley showin’ up either. More like both clubs because we’re welcomin’ a new family member. Maybe not everyone from Clifton Falls, but you know Bailey isn’t gonna sit there and do nothin’. She’ll want to deliver the outfit for your little one too. Plus, Pops will be here. He’s the official welcomin’ committee for our new family members,” Steel says as he remains in contact with his daughter.

“Ah!” Quinn growls out, her voice grating on my nerves as she again grabs onto my hand and crushes it.

“Breathe, baby,” Harley says, walking her daughter through the proper way to breathe through a contraction. Yeah, I was way fucking off with that shit in the SUV.

The contraction finally ends and Quinn sinks back against the pillows and bed once more. Her body isn’t tense any longer and she looks up at me for comfort and safety. I lean down over her and press my lips against hers. Quinn kisses me back before another contraction hits her.

“I have to push,” she suddenly says, her voice trembling as she screams out once again.

“Get Doc in here,” I yell out, my voice hoarse as I watch my wife’s face turn bright red as she tries not to push.

Brick rushes from the room to get Doc. I continue giving Quinn all the support I can give her. Knowing I can’t take this pain from her or do anything to help her through it, fucking crushes me. I can offer her words and let her break my hand, but that’s about all I can do. I wish Steel or Otter had told me this part of the labor and delivery. I feel fucking useless and that’s not something I’ve felt in a very long time.

Chapter Sixteen


SOMETHING IS VERY wrong. My labor is progressing way too fast and I’m so early. Fear fills me as I try to get through each contraction while listening to my mom as she helps me through the breathing and I crush my husband’s hand while each contraction terrorizes my body and makes me feel as if I’m being broken in half. My stomach gets so tight and hard. My entire body is covered in sweat and I’m shaking from the pain coursing through my body. If I had known this is what having a baby was going to feel like, I might have had second thoughts about becoming a mom. Though, being a mom is all I’ve ever wanted to do. I want to have a ton of kids with Wicked and fill our house with children we raise together and keep surrounded by our large, boisterous family.

“Mom, something is very wrong,” I cry out as the contraction finally ends.

“It’s okay baby. You’re doing such a good job. It might be early, but your little one is gonna be a fighter,” my mom says, her voice warm and soothing as she leans over me and presses a kiss to my forehead. “I’m gonna get you a cool washcloth. That helped me when I was in labor.”

My mom leaves my side and I hear her rummaging through some cabinets before the water turns on. Dad steps up closer to me and stares me down. He has no clue what to do right now even though he’s been through this with my mom when Brick and I were born. What I do know is he doesn’t want to see me in pain and he hates knowing there’s nothing he can do to help me through this. Turning my attention to Wicked, I take in his appearance. He’s covered in a layer of sweat, his face is pale, and he won’t leave my side. My husband is scared to death for me and our son or daughter. He doesn’t have to say a word to me for me to realize how scared he is right now. It’s written in his body language as he remains as close to me as possible.

Doc rushes in the room with my brother. She gets to the end of the bed and tells me she’s going to check me. My dad and brother move closer to my head as my mom makes her way back and places the cool washcloth on my forehead. I close my eyes as Doc checks me and another contraction hits.

“Quinn, it’s time. You’re fully dilated and ready to push. I’m not leaving the room now,” Doc informs us as she removes the gloves she put on while entering the room and moving to the wall to press a button by my head.

“Is the baby okay?” I ask, my voice shaking with pain and fear. “Something is wrong, Doc.”

“The baby isn’t in any distress, Quinn. We’ll do everything we can to make sure the baby is okay and nothing happens. There’s a NICU here and they’re on standby. They’ll actually be in the room with us instead of a regular nursing staff. The baby might have to go to NICU for a while, but we won’t know anything until he or she is born and we know what’s going on with them,” Doc says, not exactly reassuring me as a bunch more people enter my room. “I’m gonna have to ask Brick and Steel to leave the room. You can wait out in the hall since I know neither one of you will want to be too far from Quinn. We really need the space for the staff though.”

My dad nods his head and leans over the bed to press a kiss against my temple. Brick follows my dad before they both leave the room. I’ve got my husband and mom with me as Doc is dressed in a full gown and the nursing staff moves around the room getting various things ready for my son or daughter to enter the world.

“On your next contraction, I want you to push Quinn. Give it everything you’ve got for a count of ten. Ready?” Doc asks as she watches the machine and I adjust my grip on Wicked’s hands while looking between him and my mom.

The very second I feel the tightening of my stomach and the pain hitting me, I push. Instead of breathing, I hold my breath and listen as Doc counts to ten. I take a breath before pushing again while the contraction remains. I have no clue how much time passes as I push with each contraction. I scream and pant with every push as Wicked and my mom encourage me. With every contraction, I feel myself fading from exhaustion. I haven’t been sleeping and then I wouldn’t let myself sleep when I was being held hostage. I need sleep more than anything but that’s not going to happen until this baby is born.

“You’re doing really good, Quinn. Give me one more really good push and your little one should be here. I can see the head,” Doc says as another contraction starts.

Bearing down, I push with everything I have. I’m holding my breath and giving it everything I have. My mom grabs my other hand while still holding the cool washcloth on my forehead. Every now and then she moves it over my face and wipes me down. I’ve got hair sticking to my face and the feeling of something being wrong only intensifies as every second passes. I don’t have anything left in me to voice my concern though. So, I do the only thing I can and continue pushing.

Suddenly there’s an intense feeling of relief as my son or daughter comes out. The pressure and everything goes away completely as I listen for our baby’s cries. It takes a few seconds, but the room is suddenly filled with the sound of our baby crying at the top of his or her lungs. However, I feel myself fading as I try to keep my eyes open. Everything becomes a blur around me and I feel my entire body becoming limp as I fade into nothing.

“She’s hemorrhaging,” is the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.
