Page 29 of Terror

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“We’ve been talkin’ about that and I think the best solution would be for their dirty secrets to be brought to the proper authorities so they can suffer in prison. I want them to know the hell they put others through and feel the pain they’ve caused daily. The people we have here and have already sent home aren’t their only victims and they need to feel what those felt when they were bein’ held, tortured, and everythin’ else that was done to them. It’s the least we can do for the people we’ve been helpin’,” Venom says as he looks at the rest of us for our agreement.

“I couldn’t agree with that more,” Rossi says with a smile. “These fuckers will live in fear daily. Now, is it just the mayor and cops we need to take care of or are there more involved?”

“I’m sure there’s more involved, but we’ve already taken care of the rest of the fuckers who were personally involved in the shit here in Cedar Bay. Most of them are dead while one is currently bein’ held in our cells. We’re tryin’ to figure out what to do with him because one of our ol’ ladies doesn’t want him hurt or killed,” Venom answers as I let a small smile slip past my mask.

“Quinn,” Rossi states while looking at me. “It’s the man who sat with her and made sure she wasn’t hurt. What’s the situation with him?”

“Well, he’s the mayor’s son. Horton has never claimed him and only uses him to do his dirty work. Nathan, the guy in the cell, is only doin’ this shit to make his father pay for his sick mom. He’s been takin’ care of her and told Quinn his mom doesn’t have long left. So, the money he’s been gettin’ from Horton has done nothin’ but pay for her treatment, the bills, and whatever else she’d needed. He can’t stand the fucker and wants nothin’ to do with him” I tell Rossi what I know from my wife.

“I have a suggestion then. Let me take him with us. I’ll put him to work and make sure his mom is taken care of for the rest of her days. The only reason I’d kill him is if he betrays me or I find out what he told Quinn was a lie. If he proves his loyalty to me and I verify everythin’ he’s told Quinn, then we’ll take him under our wings and give him a better life. We’ll make sure his mom’s remainin’ days are spent as happy as they can be. Nathan can actually spend time with her instead of doin’ the dirty work for a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to see him for any reason,” Rossi suggests as I look at Venom.

“Wicked, this is on you. Your ol’ lady doesn’t want him hurt so I’m gonna let you make the decision. Does anyone else have anythin’ to say about this first?” Venom asks, looking around the table again.

No one speaks up as I look at Rossi. “I’d like for you to take him. Please keep me updated about what happens with him so I can let Quinn know. They seemed to form some sort of bond or somethin’ before we showed up to save her. Thankfully, it was before Lopez showed back up or Horton. If you can give this guy a second chance and help his mom at the same time, I’d appreciate it.”

“It’s a done deal. We’ll take him with us when we leave. If anyone else wants to go with us, they can. I’m talkin’ about the women and others you have rescued from this mayor. Tomasso has been buildin’ a compound to help others get out of shitty situations and we have a ton of room to bring them with us if that’s what they want. For now, let’s get the information you have on the cops we need to deal with and everythin’ you have on Horton. I’ve got a contact waitin’ for me to call him and give him what he needs to take them all down at once,” Rossi says, as I lean back in my chair.

We all take turns filling Rossi and his men in on what we know. Goose is the main one who talks since he’s the one who’s built the files on the assholes we need taken out. However, we’ve all had some kind of interaction with Horton and the dirty cops so we add what we’ve personally been through. I’m the main one to talk about Lopez since he attacked my wife more than once. Steel even calls in to give him details about what happened the day the clubhouse was raided since he was right there and I wasn’t. Rossi listens to everything we say while Tomasso and Gabriel take notes and add to the files Goose hands over to them.

It takes us a few hours to go through everything and add to what Goose has already found. Rossi isn’t just going to add to the files and hand it all over to his contact though. No, they’re going to personally gather more information on the mayor and dirty cops before handing everything over. He wants to ensure they get put in prison for as long as possible and there’s no way they can fucking get out of the charges we’re hoping they face.

The second we’re done with church, I grab my things and take off. I want to get to the hospital and be with my wife and daughter. There’s still a few hours left for visiting hours and I plan to spend them all with Brindley and Quinn. Just before I head out, my mom hands me a large box. The ol’ ladies have made lunch for us. Not just for us though. They’ve provided enough for the entire NICU staff because they’ve done such an amazing job with Brindley and all the other babies they have in their care. These men and women treat the babies as if they’re their own and you can see the love they feel for each new addition entering the NICU. These aren’t just people doing their job and going home at the end of the day. They take each case personally and get emotionally involved.

Otter goes with me to the hospital where I quickly wash up and head in the second Harley leaves. I spend hours holding my daughter against my bare chest. She’s still so fucking tiny I’m afraid I’m going to hurt her. But, I wouldn’t trade holding her in my arms for anything in the world. Otter hands out the food to everyone while I take over holding Brindley so Quinn can eat as well.

Now, everything is just a matter of waiting. We’re waiting for Brindley to come home and complete our family. Rossi said he’d need a few days to finish doing what he needed to so we’re also waiting on him. I don’t give a fuck how long we have to wait for either situation as long as it all ends in our favor. So, I push the thoughts of waiting aside and focus on my daughter and wife as we spend the rest of the visiting hours together. I even get to change my first diaper. No, I didn’t get peed on.

Chapter Twenty


TODAY THE GIRLS are getting me out of the clubhouse. We’re still being very careful, but everyone has seen me moping about since I can’t have my daughter here with me. The only time I’m truly happy is when we’re at the hospital with Brindley. Yes, I’ve laughed and smiled while at the clubhouse, but it feels forced and as if my heart is splintered because I shouldn’t be living my life while our daughter has been fighting for hers. Granted, there are baby’s in the NICU that are so much worse than Brindley, but it doesn’t mean she hasn’t been fighting to breathe and going through things we can’t even begin to imagine. Our girl is a fucking fighter and it amazes me to watch her daily grow and get stronger than the day before.

Wicked has been at my side every day as we hold our girl, feed and change her, and wait for the news that we can bring her home. Andrea has been a lifeline by keeping us updated the second we walk in the nursery. She also lets my dad, Gage, and Brick know what’s going on with Brindley. They’re on the list of people who can be given information about her and she doesn’t hold anything back. Even when our girl has a hard day, we’re told the absolute truth about the situation. Beth has been just as amazing as Andrea. She takes our girl over to the window so our family watching over her at night can see her and make sure she’s okay. She also gives them information if anything happens overnight.

Brindley is almost off of the oxygen and the light helping the jaundice and now her body temperature has also been shut off. Our girl is eating like a champ and gaining weight at a slow but steady pace. I love sitting in the rocking chair and holding her while telling her all about her loud and crazy family. Wicked sings to her and talks to her when he holds her too. I love seeing the two of them interact and have so many pictures and videos on my phone of the two of them. Wicked doesn’t even know about half of what I have. But, these are the earliest memories of our daughter we’ll have and I don’t want to miss a single second of it. So, I’m the mom that takes pictures of every second whether I should or not.

So, I’m being picked up from the hospital by the girls so we can get the last few things we need to bring Brindley home. One of those things includes a car seat. I can’t believe we all forgot to get one. When I realized it, I couldn’t stop laughing because that’s one of the most important things we need. We’ve gotten everything else for the most part. But, Wicked and I didn’t get to buy our daughter anything so that’s what we’re gonna do tonight. Wicked isn’t happy we’re going out, but he realizes my need to do something normal and not be stuck in the clubhouse. It’s definitely not helping the way I feel about everything.

Yes, I’ve been opening up about the hysterectomy and I’m glad my family made the decision they have so I’m alive. However, there are days when I just lose my shit because it becomes almost overwhelming to know Brindley is our only baby. Those are the days I lean heavily on my family and tell them what I’m going through. Wicked has been my rock along with my mom and dad. I’ve talked to Brick a little bit about things, but I don’t want to give him all of the details I had to live through. He doesn’t need that shit in his head when he barely saw what was going on. My mom and Wicked are the ones who had a front row seat to me passing out and all the blood I lost when Brindley was born.

We have to bring a ton of men with us when we go shopping tonight because of Horton and Lopez. I honestly hope I don’t see either man until they’re locked behind bars and I see them through the TV screen. That will be a day I celebrate because it’s what they deserve. Those men, and the others working with them, don’t deserve to breathe the same air we do or live their lives as free men. They’re disgusting humans who don’t value life. Not unless it’s their own. They use their power to their advantage and intimidate others they see as weaker than they are. If you stand up to them, they take great joy in breaking you down until you’re nothing more than a shell of your former self.

I know we have guests at the clubhouse who are helping us take care of the problem, but I want our men to handle it. They simply can’t because they don’t have enough reach. Not even with the help of our parents. So, they brought in those who can help. For that, I’m thankful. Especially when Wicked told me they were going to take Nathan with them and give him a life he deserves as well as take care of Nathan’s mom for the time she has left. That honestly makes me happy. I know there’s more to the situation, but I don’t need to know those details. Wicked also told me our guest was going to make sure if anyone that had been held hostage by Horton wanted to go with them, they would be taken care of. One of the guys here has been building some sort of compound for that very reason to help others where they’re from. Another good thing about them helping us. These people can get away from Cedar Bay and hopefully start fresh without having close reminders of what was done to them.

As Wicked and I leave the hospital, we have a group of guys with us. They’ll be the ones who follow us when we’re shopping and out to dinner. We’re going to stop at Haley’s diner for our meal before going shopping. Personally, I’m starving and want to eat a large, fattening meal that’s not good for me at all. I’ve been doing pretty good about eating healthy to help lose the weight I gained while I was pregnant. Today, I want to eat all the bad food for me and not worry or feel guilty about doing so.

“I love you, baby,” Wicked tells me as we get to the SUV where the ol’ ladies are waiting for me. “Be safe and if you need me, call. I’ll be there in a second to help you.”

“I love you, Maddox. I’ll be safe. I don’t know what you’re doing tonight, but you be safe too. Don’t do anything stupid,” I tell him, knowing he’s been itching for a fight to get rid of all the pain and rage he’s been feeling.

“I won’t. I’m gonna hang out with Otter. We might step in the ring at the clubhouse, but that’s about it. I need to burn off some of this energy. If the doctor or anyone calls about our girl, let me know,” he says, opening the back door for me to get in.

“I will. If you get the call, let me know,” I return, leaning down from my seat to give him a kiss.

Once I’m safely inside the SUV, Wicked closes the door and we head out. The guys going with us are in two trucks. One is in front of us and the other behind. If we get pulled over by Lopez tonight, they won’t be letting me go with him. They’ve already been told by Venom, Wicked, and my dad to keep me with them at all costs. I don’t want anyone getting hurt, but I’m not about to go with Lopez again if I can help it. That man isn’t really arresting me and only using his job to get me away from my family.

“How’s Brindley doing today?” Vanessa asks me as we make our way to the diner.
