Page 11 of Ruthless Villain

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How many guys who look like this one have asked me out in my lifetime?Zero.

Sure, they were a lot of good-looking ones, but there’s being classed as good looking and then there’shim.

The handsome man standing before me is a whole other species on his own. Like the memorable Hollywood hunks who can sell a film for decades with just their names.

So, why am I hesitating?

Because I’m… just not sure.

I haven’t even been on a single date since Cole.Yeah, I know—boring.

Work was my solace. I threw myself into it, then the accident happened, and it seemed like everything turned against me. Even work.

“What if I said yes?” I mutter, my tone soft and searching, already exploring the idea, but it’s clear I’m not certain. From the shift in his gaze I can tell he’s picked up on that too.

Mr. Handsome inches closer, enveloping me in his alluring scent all over again and I’m not ready for the pull of attraction that lures me deeper into him.

“That question sounds like you might be thinking of saying no.” A wolfish grin brings out gorgeous dimples I didn’t notice before. God, this man is way too good-looking for his own good.

“Maybe.” The moment that word falls from my lips the vulnerability I’ve been trying so hard to stave off sneaks up on me, but surprisingly, my answer seems to please him. Why, though? It’s odd.

“You don’t know me, do you?” He gives me a narrowed stare, the curiosity that was previously in his eyes returning.

My lips part again and I search his face, his eyes, his words. I come up with a blank. There’s no way in hell I’d forget a man like him.

“Know you?” I check.

“You don’t recognize me?”

The way he says that, it’s like he might be someone famous. It would be just like me to be in the presence of someone like thatand not know. I can’t even blame it on work because, truthfully, I haven’t really been working.

“I don’t. Should I?”

My answer seems to please him even more. “No. This is good.”

“Is it?” I blink several times, expecting him to tell me his name.

“Yeah. That’s the whole point of the game.” He winks at me again. “How about you don’t say no and play the game with me, Venus?”

I find myself smiling and, my God, I’m agreeing.

This doesn’t feel bad. It feels like the harmless fun I need. The kind of harmless fun people come to Vegas for.

“Okay. I’ll play.”

“Perfect.” I like the way he says that. As if he knew all along that I’d say yes but was still giving me the choice. “How about we also agree to be called by the names we give each other?”

Yes.That’s actually perfect. I wouldn’t want him knowing who I am and linking me to the shit Cole blasted to the press.

Although Mr. Handsome doesn’t look like he might read any sort of gossip magazine or tabloid newspaper, I wouldn’t want to risk ruining myself before we’ve even begun.

“That sounds cool.” I nod. “What should I call you?”

“What do you think I look like?” He chuckles.

I look him over, allowing myself the moment to savor simply looking at his perfect, muscular body, then I decide quickly who he should be.

“Aries. God of War.” I meet his eyes again, which hold a spark of mischief lurking in the corners that reels me into him even more and this daring—and possibly risqué—adventure he’s about to take me on.
