Page 15 of Ruthless Villain

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“I agree. Fire away.” He leans back against the sofa.

“What brought you to Vegas?”

“Same as you. I needed a break from life.”

“Really?” It’s hard to imagine things going wrong for someone like him. He looks like the kind of guy who has the world at his fingertips.

“Yes. I don’t have the ex who left me for a sibling or anything like that, but I have someone trying to screw with my career.”

Even though the only person screwing with my career is me, I can relate. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay.” He smiles with confidence. “I’ll take care of it when I return to the real world. I just needed to get away for a while.”

It occurs to me that this career of his could be the thing that made him famous. “Is your career something I might recognize you for?”

Like before, he comes closer, and his knees press against my thigh. “Possibly.”

Holding my gaze, he reaches forward to touch a lock of my hair, the gesture pushing past another boundary.

It’s nothing to get worked up over, but watching him holding my hair sends an electrical charge through me that makes my heart pound harder.

We watch the ends of my hair curl around his thumb, and he holds onto it.

“I think it’s kind of nice hanging out with someone who doesn’t know me,” he explains. “More thrilling. That hasn’t happened in a long time.”

“I get it.” But I’m more intrigued than ever to know who he is. “No names, no links.”No strings attached.

“Is that okay?”

“Yeah, as long as you’re not a serial killer,” I joke. “Or someone like that.”

“I’m not.” His expression is serious, as if he wants me to know I can feel safe with him.

“Then I’m good.”

He’s about to elaborate when my phone rings in my purse. From the subtle ringtone of piano music, I know it’s my father.

Aries releases my hair and we both look at my purse sitting between us.

I reach into it and pull out the phone. The wordDadflashes on the screen like the warning lights of a police siren, powerful and prevalent.

Dad has called me fifty times today and I haven’t answered a single call. I know he’s worried and maybe even sorry, but I won’t be answering his call now either.

Instead of allowing the phone to ring out to my voicemail, I turn it off.

Now I won’t have to feel bad every time someone calls.

“I’m guessing that call might be part of the reason for your trip,” Aries surmises, keeping his gaze trained on me.

“Yeah, something like that.” The call has thrown me and it’s obvious, but I can’t help remembering Cole’s mean words. “I think I need a drink or ten.”

“How about a glass of wine and then some water?”

I’m surprised to find myself laughing. “Water?”

“I want to make sure your mind is clear when we move on to the next part of the game.” He searches my eyes and the desire I read in his wipes my mind free again of all my worries.

“What was the next part of the game?” There were no instructions other than the guidelines about the questions but the look in his eyes tells me this part is all about us and whatever we create next.
