Page 7 of Ruthless Villain

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Of all the calls I’ve received, Jakobe’s wasn’t one of them, but I know from the volume of calls from the others that I’ve ruffled his feathers.

Hockey is my life. I live, breathe, eat, sleep and dream hockey. Playing the game and being the best version of myself is all I’ve ever wanted to do, but Shawn Jakobe wants to take my dreams away from me.

I won’t let that happen.

“I’ll find a way to get things back on track. This is a start.”

Hunter steeples his fingers, then rests his chin on the tips. “Well, you know Dad, Asher and I are behind you every step of the way.”

“I know.” Hunter, his father-my Uncle Preston, and Asher-his younger brother, have always supported me regardless of the situation. “I appreciate you all for that.”

“I know you do.” He knocks back the rest of his beer. “But with that said, I have to take off now or I’ll piss off my father.He wants me to land a deal with the new client I’m meeting tomorrow morning.”

“That’s cool, and I’m sure you’ll get the deal. Don’t you always? You’re a shark when it comes to closing any kind of deal.”

“I never count my chickens before they make an appearance. Definitely not after a spree with you in Sin City. I gotta make it home first.”

I smile. “You’ll be fine.”

“Hope so.”

I’m about to say something more but the words fizzle into the back of my mind when my gaze lands on a stunning blonde woman.

The beauty is making her way across the floor below us toward the bar, showcasing a body that was sculpted for sin.

Her long hair flows behind her as if floating in the wind, and the overhead lights cast a glow on perfect porcelain skin. It highlights exotic cheekbones and glossy full lips. The sight of her sends a jolt of blood rushing to my dick, and as I stare I can’t help but wonder what those lips would feel like on mine. Or wrapped around my length.

A little black skater dress hugs the generous curves of her breasts and her shapely ass. When she glances around I get a good look at her angelic face with its striking but delicate features.

The beauty has the kind of face you’d see on a statue or a painting depicting goddesses from the ancient world.

Like Venus.

I’m not in the habit of chasing women. With the endless supply of puck bunnies who flock to the team on an hourly basis, I don’t need to. Even without them Istillwouldn’t need to chase. But this girl has me already thinking of all the ways I’d like to own her exquisite body.

Every thought makes my blood thump against the walls of my veins, and it’s all I can do to control myself.

Oblivious to my stare and my seedy thoughts, the beauty continues to the bar and plants herself on a stool at the far corner.

“Well, damn,” Hunter muses, staring at her, too. “Looks like you’re about to get yourself in more trouble.”

“Maybe.” I grin back at him.

He stands and shrugs into his jacket.

More trouble is the last thing I need right now but this girl is the first thing to distract me from the shitstorm in my life.

“I guess that’s my cue to leave. See you in a few days, cuz.”

“See you.”

As soon as he leaves I return my gaze to the beauty and wonder if she’s here for tonight’s games.

Like many of the other clubs on the Strip, the Blue Moon is hosting a ‘Come As You Aren’t Night’ for Valentine’s weekend. It’s for all the single people here this weekend looking to hook up. Not that people need an excuse in Vegas. It’s just more fun to give it a theme.

The idea is to be whoever you want to be. Given that most people have already recognized me, it might be a little harder for me.

I wasn’t planning on playing or hooking up with anyone. However, it looks like this angel might have just changed my mind.
