Page 8 of Ruthless Villain

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I get up, already deciding she’s going to be mine tonight.

Chapter 3


Hello, Vegas, I’m here.

I made it, and I feel pretty damn good about my decision to come here.

Defying my father’s wishes like this is rebellion at its finest and I feel a surge of independence that I desperately needed.

Once I’d checked into my hotel, I walked around for a while and did some shopping where I spent way too much—close to an entire month’s salary.

When night fell I took the shopping bags back to my hotel room then decided I had to do the whole nightlife thing.

The Blue Moon called to me because of the name and the logo. They were also giving out chocolate love hearts at the door to anyone who’s single. A nice change to what you’d expect during Valentine’s weekend.

I took the chocolate and waltzed right into this swanky upbeat club, knowing as my phone buzzed inside my purse that I was in all sorts of trouble but not caring.

At least no onereallyhas to worry about me. They don’t know where I am but they know I’m alive.

Originally I’d planned to do a complete disappearing act, but I knew Mom would freak out when she went to pick me up at the airport and didn’t find me.

As angry as I feel about what’s happened I couldn’t do that to her, so I sent her a text letting her know I wasn’t coming to Canada. I also told her why.

I thought it would be more effective if I voiced my rage.

Of course, my declaration heralded an onslaught of calls from both my parents and Zoe, which I ignored.

I don’t want to talk to anyone. Not right now or for the next few days.

I don’t know how long I plan to stay yet, but I know I won’t be in any hurry to see my family anytime soon.

As the day wore on and I thought about what Cole did, it hit me that if this were any other family, he’d be gone. Instead it’s me who has to feel like the outsider.

Well, tonight I will be exactly that and I’ll do it with a song in my heart here in Vegas.

Cole’s cruel words are still stuck in my mind like a treatment-resistant virus, and I feel a little like a loser for being here by myself, but I’m glad I’m here.

My little rebellion has given me a boost of life I haven’t felt in far too long, and my twenty-four-year-old self is thanking my inner wild child for the break.

As the club music changes and gets a little louder, the people around me and on the dance floor below cheer.

I like clubs like this that are set up so you can either dance or hang out and still enjoy the music. Where I am the music is mellow and low enough so people around me are talking it up with each other.

I take a sip of the luminous blue and red cocktail the bartender just fixed me and savor the sweet burst of fruit mixedwith the warmth of aromatic rum. I don’t know what this cocktail is called but it’s seriously good.

When the bartender came to take my order I told him to be creative.

He did a great job. The drink has just the right amount of sweetness and tang and reminds me of my trip to the Barbados for my twenty-first birthday.

Rum isn’t something I drink too often, but I do on occasion when I need a quick fix. Tonight it works like magic and I can already feel my mind mellowing out. I drink some more, already planning to get another cocktail as soon as I finish.

This is the kind of drink Zoe would enjoy.

The sad thought hits me that she’s not here. It’s strange doing something like this without her. If she were here we’d be taking pictures of each other and our drinks to post to our Instagram and TikTok accounts.

Zoe is the only person I feel bad about ignoring today.
