Page 26 of Love, Interrupted

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When we’ve finished the last one that we can find in the apartment we sit down on the couch and relax. It feels like old times when we find a repeat of one of our old shows that we would watch together at our old apartment. We are sitting in comfortable silence when she speaks.

“Ok. So I hate to ask but what’s going on with you.”

For a second, I’m lost as to what she means. “What do you mean? Like work? Well, I’m security and I hate it.”

She shakes her head. “No, I don’t mean that. What’s going on with you and dating? Derek was such a waste of your time.”

Oh. That. “I don’t know, I just knew it wasn’t going anywhere and it was fun in the beginning.”

“That’s my point, Nikki. We aren’t getting any younger. I mean look at me.” She waves and gestures towards her belly. “I’m going to be a mom.A mom. Can you believe it?”

Frankly, no. No, I can’t believe it. This is the same Meg that only a year ago I watched her do a keg stand during a tailgate party at one of the university football games while our friends and some of her coworkers looked on. “No. I mean you’ll do great but…. Ugh! We’re becoming real adults aren’t we?” I grumble back at her.

“Exactly. Which is my point. You don’t need to waste any of your time on guys that you know have no future.

I nod my head in agreement because I do, I really do agree with her. It’s just actually trying to date is hard. Deep down, I don’t want to do it. I just want my prince charming to show up. Maybe my letter to Santa will get answered and he’ll bring me my very own Prince Charming. Either way, I know that I have to get off my ass and do something, he isn’t going to just show up to myhouse and if he does he’d be a stalker at this point. “I know. I’ll get out there in the real world after the holidays.”

Meg, bless her soul, drops it and moves her attention back to the television. For the rest of the night we binge on junk food and diet soda all while watching reruns ofDawson’s Creek. It’s been six years since the show ended and I’m still team Pacey.

I kick the front door closed with the heel of my boot and drop the eight bags of groceries to the ground. I’ll be damned if I make two trips to the car out in the dark. I rub my arms in an attempt to make the ache from the bags digging into my skin disappear. It’s the day before Thanksgiving and I have a mile-long list of things to do. I gather the handles of the bags and drag them from the living room into the kitchen. I plan on going to my parents’ house tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner but Friday I’m hosting a dinner for a bunch of the girls who are in town for the holiday. Lola, Meg, Erica, and Courtney will be here for dinner and if I know Lola and Erica, which I do, they’ll be sleeping over.

Once I unload all of the bags and place everything where it’s supposed to go I check the time. I stayed late at work to get everything done so I could enjoy the long weekend. It’s rather late and with tomorrow being turkey day I opt to make myself a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I quickly get everything made and devour it in just a few bites. Tomorrow I have to be up early to get over to my parents’ house to help my mom with the turkey so I decide to change into my pajamas.

I’m tired from a long day of work but I’m not sleepy. I lay in bed for a few minutes flipping the channels but can’t decide on anything to watch. I feel restless. Last night I had Meg here to entertain me and keep me from having too much time on my handsbut here alone is making me feel restless. I turn off the lights and bury myself under the covers. Hopefully, I’ll just fall asleep and feel rested tomorrow.

My phone starts ringing. It’s probably my mother wanting to confirm I’m bringing the ingredients for the broccoli casserole tomorrow morning. I reach over to my nightstand and grab my phone. It’s a number I don’t recognize, a 312 area code. I don’t even know where they could be. It’s probably a telemarketer, but I swipe my finger over the button to answer the call.


There’s a second of static and then I hear it. A voice that I would recognize anywhere, anytime no matter what could be going on. “Nikki?”

I swallow hard, my mouth suddenly dry. I stumble out a simple “Yes.”

“Do you know who this is?” he asks me.

I want to tell him,how could I not?Of course, I know who this is. Only the object of my affection for years. The one and only Brad Matthews who controlled my every thought for the last two years of college and then the next two. It was only last year that I finally started dating again. I had been completely crushed when I found out three years ago that he got into a relationship. That night I vowed to let him go, to not look him up online, and to delete his number. I’ve stuck to that. Now the sound of his voice and the fact that he’s calling me floods me with all of those memories.

“I know who you are, Matthews.”

He laughs. “Yeah, you’re right.”

I’m quiet because I’m still stunned that he’s calling me. We haven’t spoken since those first few months he was in law school and that was three years ago.

“What are you up to?”

So that’s where he wants to go with this? We haven’t spoken in almost three years and he calls me out of the blue to make small talk? I don’t get it but ok, I’ll play along. “Right now? I was actually laying in bed, watching TV.”

“Ah. Yeah, I guess it is getting kinda late.”

I play the game. “What are you up to?”

“I’m driving right now.”

“Oh yeah? Anywhere fun?”

“Well I’m driving back home right now. It’ll be nice to be back.”

Ah, he’s driving home for the holiday weekend. He’s probably been reminiscing about us since he’s getting close to town from Illinois. Memories assaulting him as he’s alone in the car. One thing that I realize, he’s kept my number all this time. That must mean something even if it’s small. I can’t help the feeling in my stomach, it’s instantly tied up in knots. I don’t let any of that come through in my voice though. “It’s nice that you’ll be able to see your family. How long will you be staying?”
